Note: I am not revealing my political stance in this, I just thought this was interesting. Ok my friend told me about this so I researched it. This radio show interview black Obama supporters in Harlem. And asked them if they agreed with Obama's policies on the war and his VP pick(they really asked them about McCain Policices) And they agreed. What is my point? My point is that some people do not think in this country. There are plenty of McCain mistakes as well feel free to post them.
u people have to understand that not every single person in the US is black.About 15% percent of them is black and if 15% percent of americans what about the other 85%. And what about the ones that actually know the political problems like econemy and the war in iraq. thats like subtracting seven percent.
Seven percent is still enough to win an election, even if it is a small percent, that percent is still voting without knowing anything about the election or the candidates views, no matter what happens this is a race war in the end.
they obviously just showed you the dumb obama supporters. how much you wanna bet that those were the only 3 people stupid enough to fall for this, and many many more said that those arn't obamas views
I still do not see why most of you forgehubbers expect one black man to be able to run the U.S. when you can't expect 10 to run a McDonalds.
That was totally just ok.,.. you know? Wow I dont have dem working at my mcdonalds basically its just people with no lives i see white people workin dere to
white stain. 8% isnt enough to win an election.thats like georgia and south carolina combined.and that is only like 8 point and a canidate needs like 170 or 270 t win an election.not sure which one.
lolwut? But no. Stop. Learn. Shut the... Anyways. If you're 'not sure' then I'd reccomend not saying anything. In the end you're the one looking like an Idiot. lulz No insults were involved in the making of this post.
i present rule 11 scarfaced's comment is a prime example. you may think its funny, but making racial jokes is extremly offensive. imagine if you were african american, and some punk on the internet said barack obama was an unfit president because he's black, and that 10 african americans can't run a mcdonalds, and assuming that all african americans do work at mcdonalds, is extremly racist and insensitive. normally i wouldn't care, but this really bothers me, so i am alerting mods and ect. and no. i'm not black. and i don't care if you were kidding, its not funny.
Not to be offensive to anyone (and I would vote independent so I don't care.), but if this were McCain... like people being stupid talking about McCain, you would agree with it completely. Since it's against your personal political views you just say it's all wrong. I may post something about McCain just to see the response. Oh and to Scarfaced my friend is 25% black and is still more black than Barack... so don't even pull the race card. This also goes both ways... don't elect him because he's black, don't not elect him because he's black.
What does the colour of someone's skin have to do with their actions as a person? You cannot base your views on an entire race of people soley on the actions on one idiot. If you have an apple and it just happens to have gone bad, you can't say that all apples taste just because you got unlucky.
That is very true the color of someones sin is going to determine how the person is going to run in office. Scarface that was just not right. like what linubidix said you cant judge a book by its cover
I think you are the first person here to say something productive. You bring an excellent point. I also want to remind everyone that I do not have any political views on this. I just want to see what people have to say.
lol that was pretty funny. but i dont blame them honestly i mean come on...i'd probably be saying the same thing. but thats cause im not so much into politics or policies and what not.
Thats just stupid. If they were do to the exact same thing to Mcain supporters. Ask them if they agree with Obama's policies (Telling the Mcain supporters that they Mcain's policies) The same thing would happen. It is just ridiculous.
Yeah but the difference is they are ACTUALLY voting for him. And to Mastar, go find some McCain supporters and ask them about Obama's policies, record it on your cell phone if you really want to prove your point.
First Post Your first post is a racial attack? Great start here, buddy. This thread is turning into the black joke thread. I move to lock this thread or infract the people disobeying the rules clearly listed on the site.
wow that kinda made me lol but one thing they did not ask any whitepeople that is just racist and they are just assuming that black people are doing that anyways the people could have been payed to say that