Why do you forge?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AlExThEgReAt22, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. AlExThEgReAt22

    AlExThEgReAt22 Ancient
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    Why do you forge?

    Personally, becouse it relaxes me. :squirrel_blush:
  2. The Jon B

    The Jon B Ancient
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    I love to challenge myself creatively, and I love playing video games. It's like some kind of beautiful wedding in my room every night

    ...i've said too much
  3. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I like to feel like I've accomplished something that people truly enjoy and/or appreciate.
  4. AlExThEgReAt22

    AlExThEgReAt22 Ancient
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    you know thats another reason why I forge..it feels good when peolpe tell you they liked your map, that it was fun. well you just made one person smile..think it that way. :squirrel_hug:

  5. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    i Torge because i like to build things. i have been making things ever since i was little kid. after this year i start college to be a mechanical engineer. basically, i forge because its fun, and if u talk crap about my work, well u dont wanna know the consiquences
  6. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    I really really really love Architecture and Forge is somewhat like Architecture.

    In fact im going to take a class in college for Architecture and Im only a Freshman ;)

    Pretty excited to say the least.
  7. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Well I am sure that everyone does it because it is F.U.N. or else nobody would have made any maps. Although it can be challenging at some points and time consuming, it really makes you feel like you have accomplished something.
  8. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    for me it is the few people, no wait...... very few people that compliment my maps and at the same time, help me make it better.
  9. KnifeOfTheDead

    KnifeOfTheDead Ancient
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    because i usually have a lot of interference on my connection, so when it laggs me out of a game, i go to forge and screw around. at times i will think of something completely random, and make it. like a couch made of doors and sign a's.
  10. corkystnr

    corkystnr Ancient
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    Forging is the act of a digital painter working with an animated, interactive canvas. Making games work properly requires a large amount of problem solving and creativity, which seems to be an energizing process for this entire community!
  11. Skill Caster

    Skill Caster Ancient
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    I use it because it allows me to exert my creativity to create something cool for others here at ForgeHub. I wouldn't exactly say forge relaxes me though, in fact, it brings me much frustration when I'm trying to place this STUPID WALL THAT WON'T FIT IN RIGH-[/end post] :p
  12. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i forge because matchmaking is stupid and sucks.

    but.. this digital painting, beautiful moments, all this BS... forge is like a retard tool u guys, it is so limited... and u all know it. we have to use glitches to even get what we want out of it most of the time, making things take exponentially longer than they should.
  13. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    I do it because no one else will build the maps in my head. If someone would forge what i said on demand, then i wouldn't forge at all and just let them do it.
  14. Speedin Shadow

    Speedin Shadow Ancient
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    its just fun to make something out of nothing, into something everyone enjoys
  15. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    lol, I agree with Titmar. Forging sucks. There are so many flaws, and it takes way too long to accomplish something worthwhile, yet at the same time, I love it. Wish it was better, but I've always been gaming, and I've always been building. Like you guys said, it feels great to accomplish something awesome and have people tell you they had some fun games on it.

    Someday I want a career in game design as well, so I'm kinda doing what I love right now in a small way.
  16. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    I love halo, and I love designing, so it goes together really well. The part i hate is actually taking my plans into action and building them lol.
  17. CookiesR4U

    CookiesR4U Ancient
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    its just plain fun, plus i like to be in touch with my creative side
  18. a crispy noob

    a crispy noob Ancient
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    i forge for a couple reasons. i forge because u can relax, for awhile i did halo 3 money tournaments and the stress was IMMEns. another reason is the feeling u get when some1 says hey good map,and then helps u with what needs work. the truth about ur question is like,people could write a book on why they like teh forge!
  19. corkystnr

    corkystnr Ancient
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    While I agree that the forge feature has limited capabilities, you have to look at the alternatives. Yes, there are other more advanced methods of creating maps and tweaking them, but they require a heavier investment in both time and energy. What forge offers is a means of doing something similar (designing levels) without having to invest as much time and energy in modding software and the languages that operate the software. It's finding the balance between the amount of time you put into busy work with forge and the amount of time you invest in learning to modify with other programs that's the key. Limitations aren't all bad either--they force people to be more creative. Years or even months into the future we all hope that more complicated means of modifying levels will be available to the general gaming public; however, I'd stand by the fact that with a shift in everyone's frame of reference, the same complaints about limitations will arise. For the record, though, I've found that creations within and outside of the forge feature can be equally ingenious, because the root idea is still there, just manifest in different ways.
  20. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I don't, I spend 10 minutes lining up three boxes and then realize I could be killing someone in mm or call of duty, or doing something that doesn't require so much patience. Plus things are at the point now where you have to spend upwards of 5 hours (at least) on a map for it to be any good by FH standards so I don't really bother.

    Problem was the thing was designed for editing maps, not building them. I just like to enjoy people's maps who have much more time and patience than I do.

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