This is one of the best remakes I've seen and I'm sure a lot of people are going to be happy about this. One question did you make a functioning switch teleporter.
I DIDN'T MAKE A SWITCH TELEPORTER CAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD ANYBODY WHO CAN MAKE ONE I WOULD BE GLAD TO LET YOU HELP ON THE THIRD VERSION AND GIVE YOU PARTIAL CREDIT ON THE MAP. In halo2 Relic was a competitive map so how would a remake not be a competitive map as long as it was close, this being said, that is why I thought of it being competitive instead of causual.
I think this is a great remake but I think you could have made this more neater but I say 4/5 I like the gameplay too
Alot of people posted that it was sloppy but didn't say where. I am working on a third version and don't mind critisized as long as it is helpful so if you say it is sloppy tell me where and i will fix it. so far I am flipping the bridges, interlocking the side barriers on the base, and I have tried but i just can't seem to get the colors of the containers to change permanently.
This is a fantastic idea, nice to see some creativity... you thought outside the box and made a map within a map. Your Aesthetics could have been cleaner.. it looks a little rough and I believe if you spend some more time on your next map youll understand what Im talking about. It may take a ton of Saving&Quiting but I promise itll be worth it. over all its a wonderful map and you recreated Relic almost to smallest detail. I just feel it could have been a bit more clean with the Interlocking. well done.
The downed Pelican, sniper tower, and back of the main structure look great to me (though...MORE PICS!). However, the top front of the main structure, where the flag is on CTF games, looks to be rather inaccurate. Don't forget that jumping back and forth between that middle fence is a huge part of offensive CTF strategy. Other than those minors griping points, this looks very well made...and you were definitely right about not using Foundry for this one. Keep up the excellent work!
I'll take a look at the top front of the main structure but im not sure what part you mean but thanx for being specific enough that I know where to look most people would have said "it looks sloppy in places" but this way I have a chance of fixing it in version 3
Please forgive my ambiguity. I was rather tired when I posted. On the very top of the defensive main structure, it forms a sort of narrow triangle with the flag at the end. If the offense were rushing the flag from the back of the base, going towards the flag, there is an area right before the flag where they must go either right or left (or they can jump on top of the divider). You have what appears to be a single wall interlocked into the floor. However, in the actual Relic map, that divider was much longer, with a space in the middle to allow the offensive team to switch from the left side to the right side. It allowed a deadly game of a Cat 'N Mouse to be played, which often ended with the flag somehow making its way off the platform. For me, that part of the map is essential to gameplay. As your picture shows, the divider seems so short it might be rendered useless. All this is merely a suggestion though. I hope that this clears it up a bit.
ok I get what your saying and i can actually fix that. And your comment before was still more discriptive then most. If everyone left a comment atleast as good as the first one, let alone the second one, i could easily make the map ten times better. Thats how you get rep right there!
this was literaly my favorite map from halo2. thanks alot for remaking it. the tower looks a little bit messy though. but as soon as i get my xbox back (RROD) im downloading.
I think this remake will be unrivaled so congratz on making something amazing, but I do, unfortunately have two problems with this master piece. First of all, most if not all of the weapons and vehicles are all set to a 30 second respawn, you should change that so that more powerful weapons and vehicles take longer to spawn, etc. Secondly, the front of the Relic is a bit sloppy, but you said yourself you're going to make another version with bridges that are flipped so w/e. Other than that the Relic is pretty cleanly forged so again, congradulations.
the covy tower will be fixed in version 3 along with the weapon spawns, the front of the tower, the bridges, the man cannons, andthe barrier wall. But I still can't get the base all the same color if any body knows how to get the colors to change and stay changed int a new game please leave a message on how to do it here or P.M. meThanx
I remember playing the first version, that you posted up on Glad to see you corrected some of the problems with the structure's floor by placing bridges there. I wish I could make my maps on avalanche look this good, too bad I can't.
Thank you all for the good feedback guys. And I think the key to forging on avalanche is just patients, cause to get anything reasonable strait your going to have to float half of the map. And spade I think you may have this confused with another map cause even my first version had bridges
Well, this has been sitting on the HD for a while, but I've finally sat down and did a forgethrough of the map... It took me a couple of seconds for me to realize what it was, because I thought I loaded up another map (specifically, one of the floating UNSC ship maps), but I took a double take, and recognized the main structure immediately. I know that it's not 100% straight, but considering that you're not dealing with a perfectly flat floor (that we've all come to know and love in Foundry), you've certainly done a good job. One thing that I've noticed was that there was no "switch" to open the teleporter. I'd imagine that just putting a stack of fusion coils there over the spawn would work in lieu of some intricate "power up to fusion coil to gravlift to whatever" switch. Also, talking about teleporters, I found it kinda odd, but somewhat acceptable way that you did the alien sniper tower. When I initially saw it, I thought it was just decor, and that the teleporter leads off of a cliff or something. Ideally, you would have a grav lift that leads to the top, but again, it's understandable, and a fairly decent substitue. One more thing that I found out. Along the center of the wall that blocks off the other half of the map: There's a spot on the wall where you can grenade jump and get out of the map. Remember, if you can get out as a monitor, you can get out as a player.
Thanx for the comments bleet. Version 3 is coming along nicely I would say i am half way don with it and I have geomerged all the boxes on the bottom making it all line up nicer as well as flipping the bridge. I'm trying to work out some kind of switch for the teles and I will be redoing the barrier wall last because I have made some drastic changes to the base to make it more Forge hub worth........I hope P.S. Before realesing version three i'm going to get a couple of opinions on it first so I don't have to make a version four. If you would like to help send me a message