Is this true?! Can it be? If so someone, anyone please inform me when this will be out, or any other info on the game. - First 'trailer' for GH:M. Uhhh, yep. Lars has confirmed it many times. If you don't like Metallica because they 'sold out', you should in all seriousness shut up. I hope One is on this! AND I hope you can do vocals.
If you want to play One, Just play GH:3 You wanna play Ride the Lightning, ..And Justice for all, Blackened, or Enter Sandman (Not Enter the Sandman) Play Rock Band You wanna play Battery.. Play Rock Band 2 Guitar Hero: Metallica will be awesome, But it'll probably be comprised of songs that have already been in games, Hopefully they include some of my personal favorites: Creeping Death, Fade to Black, Welcome Home (Sanitarium), The Thing That Should Not Be, and of course Master of Puppets.
I didnt hear anything about this, but it must be true O.O wasnt expecting that after the whole GH Aerosmith episode.
Awesome im so getting this when it comes year yea but the whole Death Magnetic album is one more good reason for getting GH WT
Yes it's real. Let's not argue about opinions people. If you have facts to back yourself up, then use that instead. If you argue over what band you like more, then you're practically arguing over barbie doll clothes.
I must be the only one in the world who hates this song. I'm not a fan of the acoustic rhythm guitar present throughout most of the song. But anyways, I hope they put side bands in like in GH: Aerosmith, and the side bands better be some kickass Thrash bands, Slayer, Kreator, Exodus, etc.
I bet they put in Exodus if any, At least I'd hope so seeing that Kirk Hammet played guitar for Exodus before joining Metallica
Guitar hero metallica wouldnt be as fun, i like metallica but its too much metal for one game. I would suggest like guitar hero van halen lol That would be a good game
lmao n00000b ;D van halen n33dz moar innerlox. Metallica FTW! __________ Anyways-- Looky! (prolly bin posted elsewhere, I seen this weeks ago.)
Wow if you seriously think metallica is a better band then van halen there is simply something wrong, opinion wise. Van halen basically with eddie van halen has one of the greatest guitar players in the world. Also the band doesnt revolve around metal all the time like metallica
ok I'm going to regret ever jumping into this with you after I realized who I was talking to -.- but have you heard their new ****?
im tired of all these random guitar heros. They only appeal to fans of the particular band. I hate aerosmith, and metallica doesnt appeal to me enough to buy a whole game about them. I would prefer they just take several bands of a similiar genre and make guitar heros based around that. by the way, "selling out" is a lame ****ing term coined by fans of a band that cant handle a bands evolution into trying new things. Its a natural thing bands do without trying. They were already the most popular band at the time... why would they need to rewrite their style if they were already at the top of their game, unless they genuinely were looking to do new things? If you ask me, "Selling out" is when you make music that the fans want from you just to please them. please dont state your opinions like theyre facts. van halen may be an amazing band to you, but there isnt a "better" band, no matter who you're talking about. you just show complete ignorance with comments like that.
i think that the idea of a guitar hero with multiple bands that are alike would be played a lot, its better then just one band on the game because not everyone likes them.