Gesuido 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nemihara, Feb 22, 2008.

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  1. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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        • 3-2-08: Second version of Gesuido released. See below for details. Sorry, no new screens! It looks practically the same though.
          Edit: nevermind, here's a screenshot. Kinda old though.
          Edit: Whoops, Screen broke. Oh well, too lazy to fix it.

          2-22-08: Why has no one even replied yet? I'm perplexed.
          Since no one ever looks at Map Testing anymore, I got a couple of my real life friends to help me do some testing. Unfortunately, no new screenshots until I can get my account fixed. My BNet screens isn't receiving info from my Xbox anymore for some reason.


          24th century old waste management systems are constantly under heavy repairs. 6-12 players

          "Gesuido" (lit. "Sewer" in Japanese) is a map designed to change the way objective games are played, through simply altering map layout. Gametypes supported are CTF, Assault, Slayer, Infection, KotH, Oddball, VIP, and Juggernaut. Suggested party sizes are 6-12. Note that both teams should have an equal amount of players during team objective games; it really makes a difference.

          Gesuido is inspired, partly, by my idea to change the way CTF and Assault are played. Most flags and bombs are spawned on a heightened area that is easy to defend. Gesuido is the reverse. There are three levels in this map. The bottom level, which contains most of the player spawns and the objective item spawns and returns; the middle level, which is used almost exclusively only to get to the top floor; and the top floor, which contains the main battlefield and the ground between the bases. It also contains the Neutral Bomb on top of a high overpass.

          To get the enemy flag (or to arm the bomb) is easy. You can jump down through a hole on the ground floor, not unsimilar to a manhole, and travel through a short tunnel to get to the objective end of the pipe. You can also get to the objective room by entering a teleporter that will send you through a one-way gravlift pipe that will spit you out near the entrance to the objective end. If you hold down RB, you can grab a shotgun with no extra clips to assist in killing camping defenders guarding the objective. Conversely, you can also use this to surprise attackers that are arming the bomb, or capturing your flag.

          [img width=800 height=600][/img]
          An overview of the top floor from Red Base

          [img width=800 height=600][/img]
          A closer look at the middle area. Not much different than the above.

          [img width=800 height=600][/img]
          A look inside of Blue Base.

          [img width=800 height=600][/img]
          The objective pipe is shown at the end. The objectives, however, are not shown. To the right of the tunnel is the 'surpies!' vent.

          Inventory: (for some reason, people like to see these)

          • Weapons
            • 2x Plasma Pistol
            • 2x SMG (respawn time 20 seconds)
            • 2x Plasma Rifles (respawn time 20 seconds)
            • 2x Spikers (respawn time 20 seconds)
            • 2x Shotgun(respawn time 60 seconds, 0 extra clips)
            • 2x Battle Rifle (1 extra clip)
            • 2x Sniper Rifle (respawn time 45 seconds, 1 extra clip)
            • 2x Needler (respawn time 2.5 minutes, 1 extra clip)

            • Equipment
              • 4x Frag Grenade
              • 2x Plasma Grenade
              • 2x Spike Grenade
              • 1x Power Drain(60 secs)
              • 1x Trip Mine (60 secs)

              Some people may have qualms with seeing screenshots in Forge. For me, it allows me to show the spawning points, so I don't have to download the map and find out myself. It's a major convenience. Too bad I didn't get the Starting points or the Spawn Zones in.

              From the original Gesuido, I learned that frag grenades are a lot less powerful than plasma or spike grenades when above on the top floor, assuming that the opposition is not on the bottom floor. So I added a bit more of them. Plasma grenades are very, very useful above and below, the main plus being above, with the ability of a good grenade spammer to throw one into the other teams base. There are only 2 of them on the map, one for each base. They respawn on the default 10 seconds. Spike grenades are not as useful as either of the two grenades above ground, since they don't bounce off walls. However, when there are several people guarding the bottom floor (smart defenders will know not to camp inside the tunnel), this grenade becomes a godsend. Again, default spawn time.

              There aretwo BRs in each base. The BR is on the second level. There is also a Sniper Rifle with 1 extra clip that respawns in two minutes seconds near the bridge, and a Plasma Pistol on the second level of the base.

              On each side of the map, on the fence flooring, there is an SMG and Plasma Rifle. These weapons have a rather low spawn time of 20 seconds. They are meant to be attacking weapons, more of to keep enemies from grabbing the more powerful weapons. Nearby, there is a needler and a spiker

              A shotgun, a superly-duperly powerful camping weapon has been added to this map. However, it spawns every minute, and with only six shots. It's more of an attacker's weapon against the defenders, instead of the other way around. It spawns inside of the 'Surpies!' vent, which can be accessed from the bottom level of the map.

              The 'Surpies!' vent is a one-way teleporter that shoots you into the main pipe facing the objective pipe. If you grabbed the shotty, you have an easier job of tearing the opposition up. If not, well, you're screwed.

              Yes, the Fence wall floor is a bit crooked. I've interlocked, S&Q, and all the time it's shoving it out. If someone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

              • Needler settings edited
              • [Spikers added
              • Spike grenades removed
              • All grenades respawn in 20 seconds
              • Flamethrower is removed, due to budget issues
              • Sentinel Beams removed, due to budget issues
              • Carbine removed
              • Assault Rifle removed
              • Spartan Laser does not spawn in the beginning until 1.5 minutes
              • Added gametypes: Oddball, Slayer, KotH, Infection, VIP, Juggernaut
              • Neutral spawns added
              • Wall has been finished; impossible to escape in game

              Current Issues:
              • Budget is nil
              • Spawning
              • Spawn Camping
              • Sloppy looking
              • Difficult to escape bases when carrying objective items alone

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  2. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    I'll definitely download it and I'll try to get back to you with a review :).
  3. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    If i were you, i would get a couple more screens. This is a really cool map, if you showed some more of it you would get loads more people to DL.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    Screenies might be a bit difficult to acquire. But I'll get them as soon as I can.
  5. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    Holy crap, that looks waybadass. When my internet comes up at home, I will be sure to download it and leave a review. Also, is it balanced for slayer as well as objectives?
  6. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    I downloaded it. Ok?
  7. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    This is very nice, I especially love the fence wall ground and how neat the map is.
  8. monpe45

    monpe45 Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    This map looks awsome I will defently play this map a lot, it kinda reminds me of Battlefield 2 (for the xbox and don't ask why plz).
  9. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    Nice work this look like you put a lot of thought into it. I really like the concept, this looks good.
  10. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    Looks really cool and very different. Nice job
  11. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    looks pretty good, ill dizownload it and get back to you, if i remember too.
  12. goldman 010

    goldman 010 Ancient

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    Re: Gesuido V2

    i like the interlocking objects and the attackers base. very cool :squirrel_chatting:
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    Neat? It looked messy to me. :\
    Um, I'm updating it right now, and then I'll update it on Bnet.
  14. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    I downloaded it and I can say that this map has a pretty good layout. However this map could have been made great by utilizing some more interlocking(most notably the ground) and maybe even the unlimited budget glitch. It's kind of barren aesthetics wise.
  15. NicNac02

    NicNac02 Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    Looks very shnazzy. Im downloading it right now.:)
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    I don't believe in the UBG. It's evil. Every time I use it, it kills my map.
    Aesthetically though, I do plan to delete some of the more useless stuff and put around more scenery. Thank god window panels cost nothing.
  17. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    you should have at least 1 action shot
  18. Colonel Chewy

    Colonel Chewy Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    Dude you are awesome!!! I am going to SnagIT a picture of an HTML button and use it for all of my downloads from now ON!! OMG so amazing

    Don't touch my cheese.
  19. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    Updated version of Gesuido will be posted soon. It will include moved scenery, a sword, rocket, spikers, better placement of certain objects, better locations for some weapons, and a vehicle, just to make things interesting. More shots will be shown.
  20. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: Gesuido V2

    Bah! I just checked this out and then now I found out that there is another version coming out. Anyway, here's my Forge-through.

    Forge-through: I really like the layout of this map. Very simple, but I bet it has some great games here. I also like the idea of changing the way objective games are played by altering the traditional location of the goals.

    I really like the power drain and the trip mine on this level. I bet they do some real damage. I'm not sure about adding rockets though, but you would know better since I haven't played a game here yet. As for the vehicle, I can has Ghost?

    One suggestion that I want to make is that you need to add symmetrical territory placement. Have you ever played Conquest? This map might be a good map for that gametype.
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