Pandora Radio is amazing. Type in a band you like and it'll play a good selection of their music as well as music from similar bands and from bands whose listeners have similar tastes. You can skip songs easily, and give a thumbs up or down to give it a better idea of your music tastes. And the best part is... ITS COMPLETELY FREE! Create several different stations and you'll be listening to a wide selection of bad ass music that you love in no time. Its great for work and school (i listen at school all day long). I really can't believe I just found out about this a couple days ago.. I've been missin out. So yeh just wanted to pass the knowledge on to the rest of yall cause its worth it.
imagine intitle:"index.of" "parent directory" "size" "last modified" "description" [snd] (mp4|mp3|avi) -inurljsp|php|html|aspx|htm|cf|shtml|lyrics|mp3s|mp3|index) -gallery -intitle:"last modified" -intitle:"intitle" Type that into google. Voila: ;D Its basically the same thing. You can find pretty much any song. And it lets you listen to it the brower with a quicktime player. I am pretty sure its legal.. If it isn't.. Please have mercy
Im not gonna lie its pretty damn good at it too.. I typed in my favorite band, and within a half hour had played 3 of my other favorite bands, along with several others I like a lot, along with a bit of stuff I hadnt heard, but am glad I have now.
Oh wow, they updated pandora a lot! I remember finding this awhile ago. it was ok at the time. It's actually pretty good now.
Well if you're more of a "i want to listen to all the songs from 1 artist" kinda guy, then Grooveshark Lite - Listen to Music Online is the better place. Just type in the name of the band or a song, etc. and it will show all listings that are on the site. A nice thing about the site is that it has categories as to make finding songs easier. You can choose just for the site to list all of the songs, or you can have it list only the albums, and some other options that I don't remember (cause I only use the album tab). Also it lets you set up the order in which the songs play, and you don't have to listen to 1 genre at a time.
I've bin using it alot ever since my science teacher showed my class about it. Introduces alot of songs that are good and its better than searching iTunes.
Yeah, it's a nice way to find new artists similar to ones that you like. With iTunes and Zune, it is harder to find new artists.
Haha, pwnd. I have my own little epic metal station on pandora. Weird thing about pandora though, DQ a while ago posted a link to his radio station, I clicked on it, It played and all. I got bored of his shitty music, so I deleted the station. But the annoying thing is eveytime I close the web brower and start it up, DQ's station is there again. It like as if DQ is annoying me outside of FH or something.