Ever since Bugie updated Halo 3 this so called Melee glitch has gotten really really annoying and it screws up your gameplay. So basiclly I don't get the glitch.
I believe he is talking about the melee clash where both players die simultaneously. This is no glitch. And why do you not understand?
Lol, go back to bungie.net and complain there. Lmao this is so hilarious, did you not even read the update that explained what the the AU did?
The only glitch with the melee before was the fact that bodies when flying. Other than that, there were no glitches.
you're right, it wasnt a glitch. they just changed the way it works because everyone complained. and now everyone is gonna complain for them to change it again.
how do you not get that? i like the way they did it it enhances me and Cosmic Rick's chances of both dying form an encounter with one another
Bungie is gonna be that one kid in class who tries to please everyone but it never works out for him and everyone ends up hating him in the end.
It was a real shame they took that out, it was much more fun to punch people across the map and into the abyss below. Not that I ever did; before the patch I was on the recieving end of the beat downs.
i still say that its a damn shame how much people complain... i mean, Bungie goes to a lot of trouble to try to please its fans way more than any other company, and we are all a bunch of ungrateful bastages...
I like the new system, but when both players have swords, and you know that health goes down halfway everytime, do both players eventually kill each other like in melees?
this is what is supposed to happen in a "simultaneous" hit. If your going to flame at least know what you are talking about. noob