Well this map is called Longer. A small map best played with team slayer or CTF. Blue/Covenant Base. Blue/Covenant Hallway. Red/Human Base. Red/Human Hallway. There are four of hideouts along the halls. the shields separate the sides and there is a energy sward in the middle of the map. Each team has all the weapons, depending on which team your on, (Humans have Rocket Launcher. Covenants have Fuel Rod Cannon) and both have the sniper rifle. Each team has its advantage. Fire grenades are one of them. Gravity Hammer (Covenant) Spartan Lazier (Human) as well as Flame Thrower. Every weapon is in this map, but split up for each team to have its advantages. Please enjoy this map. if you find bugs in it please tell me. this was one of my first maps i have put in my file share. Download it here... Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Seems very lopsided and unbalanced. It would be easy to camp with the hammer, sword and rockets and you wouldn't even get to those guys with a turret by them. The bases are pretty nice but would be very easy to escape the map through the window panels.
This is a great map. I like how you used the back rooms of Foundry. One doesn't come accross that very often. I think if you made a V2, if you wanted to stop from people getting out through the windows maybe put a bridge in there. That's just a suggestion. Anyways, good map. 4/5
I've seen it done too many times. It's just old. What you maybe could've done is used the same idea except do it in the main area of Foundry and use some of the scenery to create the level and add some detail and stuff to change up the gameplay. ie, ledges, interlocked grooves in the walls to change gameplay, small little paths that lead to the same rooms, etc..... And also you can get out of your map by simply jumping through the window panel. Also what's the point of the mongoose and ghost? Are they just for added scenery because they're useless for the game considering they cannot drive through shield doors
the map looks k, but i think that no one would be able to get to the side because of the turret. also, the fusion coils may be a problem....but i do like the fact you used the part of foundry that no one uses
I like the map! although the ghost and mongose are not usless, they both have nice explosion asthetics. duh! nice simple map my friend
getting out of the map is not your main goal when you play online. And the mongoose and ghost are their for show.
Turrets and sniper were bad ideas. Would like to see how quickly I could get a killionaire from spawn killing though. This has already been done unsuccessfully several times before. Sorry to cut you down. Maybe you should combine this map and complex (have complex in both Foundry pockets). Might make them both better.