This abandoned warehouse becomes useful for close combat and close sniper training. Best played with slayer. By linken91 Please download it here : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
pics dont work. Rule: must have at least one embedded pic. Here is how: take a screen shot of your map. go to 2. double clickk the pic, then hit save 3. go to sign up first) and upload your pic. 4. click save and continue and copy the IMg code. 5. Finally paste it on your forum. and welcome to forge hub! FIRST POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying to six that. i did have pictures on this post but they aren't showing. Yeah and I'm new at this also.
Basically, all you have to do to import pictures is: Go to either Photobucket or Imageshack. For Imageshack, upload the pic, click on it, then hit thumbnail mode: No. Then copy the BB code into your post. For Photobucket, you just copy the BB code underneath the pictures, and paste it into your post. Hope this helps.
hey there you go! as for the pictures two are the same no biggy though all you need is just one picture. any way this map looks... messy i dont like maps that resemble dumps (not that im saying it does) it just looks like some other maps that do. but other then that this map looks fun dont see how the sniper rifles wuld work out though like you said.
The Map, i wouldn't be abloe to say much about, your first 2 images are the same thing, anyways, from what i DO SEE the map looks okay, i don't see any interlocking or geomerging though. Overall Rating: 5/10
looks ok... but your talking 1 vs 1/2 close quarters. i mean this is really really small. but good for a first map(i assume).
First off you have way too many power weapons 1 turret is fine but 2 is just murder i would sugget removing 1. Also the map is way to sloppy nothing is geomerged or interlocked. Look here for forge techniques
You've only used one pocket of foundry... Okay, possibly good for 1 vs 1, but I'd like to see how Territories plays in this map... It's not unoriginal, it's just too different. People would probably accept it more if you tidied it up a bit and showed us more of it.
There isnt anymore he only forged items into this one room. I'll say it needs more work and that it could be more complicated and or neater.