This is a map that was originally someone else's idea, but the map was a piece of crap. So, After about 6 hours and starting from scratch, I Pronounce the new... Whack a spartan! The original map and game-type were called "wakamole" But I revamped them. I really liked the gametype, where, the humans spawn in a room full of mongese and their only way out was underneath a bridge that you couldn't crouch through, thus forcing each player to hop on a mongooses and skedaddle. Since there are only 8 mongooses, if you have a party of more than 10, players have to ride on the back of other's mongooses. having another person on the back of your mongooses isn't so bad, since everyone has a sword, including the zombies, if the zombie lunges at your mongoose, the person on the back can deflect the blow, allowing your getaway. There are two alpha zombies. They spawn in the fence box at the right of this pic, right underneath the overshields. () In the new version of the map, the zombie spawn is a bit bigger, but still in the same place and there are no overshields or sign Bs (because of lack of money) but a few friendly soccerballs are bouncing around to entertain the zombies during the 20 seconds of pure boredom before the mancannon releases them to [feast] upon the scurrying moles. The basic traits of the humans (moles) is 300% damage resistance, 100% damage, and 90% speed. the makes it so, in the act of a traffic jam or something, a player can venture out from underground and [sort of] can defend him or herself, even though, since the alpha zombies have 1000% damage resistance and 300% damage, they will probably die anyways. The alpha zombie has 110% speed so, it can't really outrun a mole (in a mongoose) thus forcing the zombie to use his comrade and pincer the mole. The last man standing is an exact equal to the zombie, except that he has good camo, an enhanced radar to 25m, and 150% speed. The main strategy of the last man should be to ASSASSINATE the zombies... not go attack them face to face. because once a mole is killed, 45 seconds pass, and the mole turns into a zombie minion. the minion has poor camo, 90% speed, 200% damage and 500% damage resistance. the reason for the long spawn time is because everyone in the game has only two lives. And if moles become zombies immediately, the map would be way too crowded. Here are smore pics for you. sorry i have no action shots, i don't have the time to take any. also, all of these shots are taken without the outer walls, because it is hard to get a good shot with a bunch of huge walls everywhere. So, everyone who tries the map should find out some tricks of the trade, so have fun! the above image is the mole spawn. now what you've all been waiting for... le download links map: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details This is my first post so if any problems, please tell me HOW to fix them, not just what they are. All constructive suggestions are encouraged.
Another one?!?!? There have been a ton of these types of maps. However the map is actually pretty good. I like the interlocking. What I would do is make a v2 and make it so people cant get out of the map. If you do that it would look a lot better. 4/5 on map. 2/5 on originality PS Welcome to Forge hub! FIRST POST!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Move this to the minigame map section and ill be happy. but this really looks like a well forge map. Ill have to play it to give you some criticism so, here we go.
If you actually read the whole post instead of just looking at all of the pictures like a little 5 year old child, you would see that the pictures were taken without the taller walls so you could see the whole overview of the map.
i have played the original ver. but it wasn't very fun. i already DLed and it is the best! the old one had escapable places. this 1 doesn't.
ok, thanks, but how do I move my post to minigame section? I was about half way posting this map when I noticed it was in the wrong genre and ddn't want to restart. so anyone who could tell me how to move it would be appreceated Sorry if i double posted..
Nice! I haven't seen many maps like this before. I couldn't really tell this from the last picture, but do the moles go underneath the shield door and fence wall? I would think so, but again I couldn't really tell from the angle of the picture. 5/5 Welcome to Forgehub! Edit: Oops. I didn't see the opening in the first picture.
Yeah, the mongeese go underneath the bridges and fence walls. Also, when all of the walls are up, there is no escape from the human spawn area. TO make it so people don't camp in there, you can see the grAV lift in the center of the map that pushes you up to the teleporter that puts you into the human spawn area.
just ask a mod to lock this and copy paste to the other forum or if i underestimated the mods powers maybe they can just move it on their own, ask one.
oops, I'm sorry I am just in a mad mood today. I got an F on my Soanish test today, and my mom grounded me for a week.
Oh, Yeah, i can see how that would make you angry. just try A DL and see if you like the new sensation... WHACK A SPARTAN PS.. spanish is da best Yo esta contento
its a cool game but thtere are too many of these maps. although this map has a lot more "mechanics" to it, there all the same. and a lot of the stuff you did put in isnt really nessacary. 5/5 for the map. 0/5 for bieng original. MY 100th post!!!! EDIT: When i look at the old map, it really is just plain. so i take back my 0/5 and replace it with a 5/5. good job! sry for the bad rating b4
This looks intersting. Wprth a download to see how it plays. I'll give you some pros and cons once I play it with some friends.
I agree, there are too many of these maps and game types. try to think of something inspuratianal (or however it is spelt). Happy forging!
yes, I agree there are too many of these maps, but you should really try a DL and see how well forged this map really is. also, Just this morning, I had another idea for a map.. Ill give you a hint, It's on Guardian.. Well, that's all folks Happy Forging
Map looks okay. Its been done before, like alot but thats not always a problem. Keep up the good work, and nice first post!
I hate this unoriginality thing.. I WOULD LIKE CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK... NOT "wow this has been done way to much"
what makes humans venture out from their cage. that is my only question. besides that, the map is awesome! I played it and it was so much fun running around corners to escape the zombies. Good interelocking and forging all around. I was not a fan of the zombie spawn but whatever.
i had this idea as wack a mole a long time ago but i didnt really know how to use the forge so it was a piece of crap mine was differant than this and im thinking of remaking it so if i do please dont think im copying you nice map to i will download and add more to this post later on game play and stuff good idea