Hello. This is the newer members help service. This is a program that helps newer members that are interested in becoming part of the community. As you know most, if not all newer members do not know the rules and post incorrectly. The system here pairs newer members that sign up with old experienced members that know the rules and are experienced at posting correctly. Basically we are using something like the big brother/ big sister organization of Forgehub. Now if you are a newer member all you have to do is sign up with a short message in this thread that says that you are interested. If you wish to apply to be an adviser you have to fill out an application. This is a model application: •FH username: xSharpshooter94 •Total # of posts: 1418 •Time since you signed up:10 months •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: about 35+ hours •What forums do you mostly look in: off topic, maps and customer service •How reliable are you: QuiteOnce you are accepted as an adviser you will be assigned a new member to tutor. This person is allowed to send you PM’s, visitor messages, anything. They will ask you about how to post a map or how to use a spoiler. I assume that you will be able to answer these questions. Also if you see one of your trainees post incorrectly in a thread, it is your job to tell them what they did wrong and how they can fix it. After a period of 10 days the relationship will be broken and the member will be sent out into the world by himself. At the end of these days the member will be asked how good of an adviser you were. This review will be taken into great consideration for your future here. Based on their reviews you will be given * (yes I know they’re clichéd but I don’t care they are effective). If you accumulate four stars you will be promoted. As for now there are four main ranks: Leader, Supervisor, Adviser, junior adviser. Leaders XSharpshooter94- President Supervisors Advisers Zstrike13 Junior Advisors Scarfaced Warfang** AmercanPyscho** Vinny matt102992 RacoonSniper 13 Whitestain83 Thorax tehGreat Sage eguitarplaya33 Th Kn1ght Once you join there is an IRC chat here and ill give you rank based on your rank in the organization. Promotions are respective. basically go into the Forgehub IRC chat and type /Join NMS. Simple eh? NEWS
FH username: ScarFac3d •Total # of posts: 293 •Time since you signed up: 5 months •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: about 35+ hours •What forums do you mostly look in: off topic, maps •How reliable are you: Very
•FH username: Warfang •Total # of posts: 457 •Time since you signed up: 8 months •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: Varies, at least 1 hour and a half per day •What forums do you mostly look in: All •How reliable are you: Lots I don't have proof that I helped someone, but believe me I have. 1. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/39974-pretend-sig.html#post517408 2. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/37813-what-requirements.html#post490222 3. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-screenshots/37288-my-cookie.html#post483234 4. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...file-share-items-b-net-forums.html#post474520 5. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/map-testing/36211-blud-tower.html#post470892
•FH username: AmercanPsycho •Total # of posts: 415 •Time since you signed up: 7 months •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: About an hour or two a day, but it varies. •What forums do you mostly look in: Maps, off topic, whatever comes up in new posts •How reliable are you: Very 1. Not helping a new member, but helped. 2. Gave a suggestion 3. Referred help 4. Gave good tips that I use 5. Told how a map gets featured
•FH username: Vinny •Total # of posts: 959 •Time since you signed up: It says I joined on Jan 2008, but I was registered in the summer before that. •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: 20+ •What forums do you mostly look in: General Chat, G&A, Off Topic, Debate •How reliable are you: Hella' Good
•FH username: matt102992 •Total # of posts: 527 •Time since you signed up: almost 5 months •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: about 1 to 3 hours a day •What forums do you mostly look in: off topic, maps, general chat •How reliable are you: amazingly I haven't been here all that long but would love to help out
•FH username: RacoonSniper 13 •Total # of posts: 239 •Time since you signed up:2ish months •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: more then 30 •What forums do you mostly look in: off topic, maps, general, and customer service •How reliable are you: Very I am not known to well but I constantly help new members through private chat.
•FH username: Zstrike13 •Total # of posts: 906 •Time since you signed up:just about 8 months •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: 80-100 hours •What forums do you mostly look in: all forums •How reliable are you: Very http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/42020-hey-i-have-noticed.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/41882-waxmaps-you-will-love-these.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/6507-real-erupting-volcano.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/40837-a.html heres 5 others: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/introductions/38823-hey-guys-new-forgehub.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/38150-new-map-meddigo.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/introductions/38780-help-embedding-images.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/38723-how-give-rep.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customer-service/38723-how-give-rep.html
•FH username: Mr. Whitestain83 •Total # of posts: 174 •Time since you signed up:1 mpnth •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: 40 hours •What forums do you mostly look in: All Forums •How reliable are you: Very
FH username: Thorax tehGREAT •Total # of posts: 544 •Time since you signed up:4 months •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: 25 •What forums do you mostly look in: off topic, general, gaming, videos, halo •How reliable are you: Very you know me
•FH username: Th Kn1ght •Total # of posts: 1330 •Time since you signed up:9 monts •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: about 25+ hours •What forums do you mostly look in: off topic, more off topic, customer service, and general chat •How reliable are you: Extremely
•FH username: Sage •Total # of posts: 330 •Time since you signed up: Since January •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: 42.1457297 Hours •What forums do you mostly look in: Everything •How reliable are you: Uber EDIT: here is a guide that i made so yeah here EDIT 2: heres where i helped with a question about friends EDIT 3: heres where i helped explain what happens when objects are dropped off the map
Eh I join & help •FH username: eguitarplaya33 •Total # of posts: 1049 •Time since you signed up: Joined FH in April •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: hmm in between 2-3 hours a day maybe depending so roughly 20 hours a week •What forums do you mostly look in: I rate maps a lot, like to check them at, I also help noobs with pictures, off topic a lot too •How reliable are you: 100% sir! Ya I have helped lots of noobs with uploading pictures, and sometimes I do it for them
How are we going to be assigned a member to help? Do you just find someone yourself, or do you give us someone to help?