I know the effect has to do with a powerdrain...The guy looks cool with that blue. Coolio effect lolz. 9/10.
I tell you why I cant get it closer. okay this is the tutorial. Put a oldtimers and glommy FX on Avalanche. then, put a mancannon down. Next, put a overshield and set it to infinite respawn. In theater look throught the man cannon.
Ohhhh, that how you do it. Anyway great pic Bob. How are people still finding new effects ? Man you should take more like this, but with action!
that is pretty cool try doing a better pic next time the effect is great but give us explosians and a broken warthog or a battle or some thing and dont looke directly into the camera for this on... nice tho ... 8.7/10
That's pretty awesome. I like the whole blue effect and it looks like he is infused with force lightning. Really great job on the shot.
Hi im new, the scren shot looks sweet. If I knew how to give you rep, I defintly would, but I dont lol. My first post!
I dont really care that much about rep, but I'm glad you like the shot. Congratz on your first post. Lol y do you like me, so much. Is it because of my name?
Yeah, it looks like he and everyhting around him is getting frozen solid. "Solid" photo, haha. (Couldn't let that pun go.) :lol: