The Hive

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by rebelreaper, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. rebelreaper

    rebelreaper Ancient
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    I built this map as a Tribute to the first resident evil movie : Location-blackout -setting ~You are military scientist hired by our government to create a cure for death, but the only problem is when you brought the test subjects back they had certain side effects which included rage, and a unsatisfied thirst for human flesh. Its the day that the Government pull the plug on the project and everyone is packing to go home. All of a sudden there's a Problem on the lower levels all the test subjects have been released and there are scientists stuck in the observation room. there's 2 ways to free them first you can wait for the Government to turn off the power to the whole facility but by doing this it will also grant the zombies access to the upper levels as well, or you can form a search team to locate a grav lift that has been misplaced and throw it down to them. there is a weapons room but very limited ammo.~ im gonna get pictures soon. this is a atleast 6 person map. the game varient to go with it is "resident evil" there is absolutely no Weapons respawn and the limited weapons on the map have very limited ammo some have one extra clip most have no extra clip and very little have 2 extra clips. this is my first map posted here so please if theres a problem with the map or anything else tell me. oh and yes this is an Infection map lol. theres alot of secrets in this map that you have to find out on your own, many being hidden weapons. i do not like infection maps that are based on the survival of humans only i like the zombies to have a chance also. so i tried to make this map even for both sides.

    Zombie Spawn________

    Human Spawn________

    Scientists Spawn_____

    Weapons Room______

    Powerless Hive______
    (if you look to the right there is a containment prototype that some of the scientist have been working on, theory is all you need to do is shoot one fusion coil and it will blow up the barrier which allows the coils to roll onto the walk way below)

    Zombie Escape_____

    Scientists Escape__

    MAP______________________________________ : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Game Varient_______________________________ : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 rebelreaper, Oct 23, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008
  2. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    You need to embed your pictures. Any posts after this one will be reported if they say "Embed Pics."
  3. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    welcome to forgehub!
    your post isn't up to standards sadly
    All map posts require embedded screenshots/pictures, below is a link given to teach you how to put them in your thread =D

    btw- IcedFrapp, please give them a link because if they are newer to forgehub they may not know how to embed the pics
  4. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Sounds pretty good. Nice backstory. Hopefully you get your pics working, then we can see the map. I didn't get my pics working my first time either, but the helpful community here at Forgehub can probably help you.
  5. Sep7aPhobia

    Sep7aPhobia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I suppose the map is okay if it is one of your first.

    -Its infection?
    -Everyone loves Black Out!!! =D (for slayer games)

    -Pics dont really show of much of the map (unless there is nothing else)
    -Looks way to open, not any cover or element of suprise for the zombies
    -Weapon rooms are usually very, very bad. This one looks small so it might
    work out okay.
    -Depending on the strengths of the zombie this could get really bad, really
    -Infection maps are way over done but I can't really fault you for that...
    -In the future try to be a bit more discriptive in your writing and pictures.
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice! But the map does seem a bit wishy washy....

    Tell us a bit about that bridge with the fusion coils and barrier on it. It looks a bit suspicious.
  7. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sounds good but could do with cover and places you could get ambushed from

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