1 on 1/ Team doubles map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeGod117, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Scratch that first layout. I've completly re-did the layout but to a whole new concept. The theme of the map is imulsion, or the fuel/oil in the Gears of war series. The map is called PROCESS , and has nothing to do with the GOW map PROCESSING just similar ideas. Onto the details, I wanted to include some stuff from the first design. The octagonal structure in the middle for instance will be included in a rather special way. (You'll have to wait until after the map is posted to find out) Along with the octagonal structure I'm going to keep the feel of two teams fighting for control over an area. This will be implemented by two factions Brutes & UNSC/ Covenant. The UNSC/ covenent faction will be split into two smaller bases. The BRUTES will have one large base with turrets to even out gameplay. Other than the three bases there are two netrual zones for anybody to take. They are the octagonal structure, which we talked about later, and another yet to be named back structure witch the UNSC/Covenant faction should gain control of early in the game. I've got the layout designed but i'll go back and fix some major flaws before I go into forge and create this monster. In the mean time here is a nice layout of the new design.

    The factions are as follows

    Orange= Brutes
    Blue=UNSC /Covenant
    Yellow= Netrual




    Also use this map progress tracker to keep up with the progress of the map

    Design & layout/Basic structure/Adding structures/added details/testing/posted


    I have been working on the map some more and I have the basic ouyer wall done. The wall is probably the hardest part of the map because there is no way to make it completely symetrical. However i took some picture for your viewing pleasure.

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    This sreenshot shows the smooth interlocking on the wall. I really took my time on this wall because if I do it sloppy I have to start all over. In maps it is very, very imporntant to have smooth walls.

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    This screenshot shows the wall all the way around. It has fence boxes, double boxes, Double open-boxes, and single boxes. A VERY imporntant thing to take to considaration is that this is the wall without a second (maybe third) story and right now it is easy to escape, but in the finished version it will be un-escapable.


    Like I said earlier Process will have some interesting and unique arcihtecture. As of right now I have done two structures for the locust, not Brutes, faction. All the structures and bases will fall into the background story which I'm writing as we speak. Now for the screen shots.

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    This screen-shot shows a very basic overview of the maps first two structures. The one on the left is refered to as the immulsion command station. It would be where the locusts monitor all the immulsion mining that takes place in the station. The Structure on the left a guard tower. It sits high over the battlefield where guards can easily kill C.O.G soldiers attacking the station. The object of the guard tower is to create a feeling of rush to both factions. Possibly the most intense part of a multiplayer match is when everybody rushes for sword/ Grifball. I want to re-create that feeling. (IT HOUSES SNIPER) Notice the walkway leading up to the guard tower from the command station, Dual-weildable SMG's canbe found on the end in this walkway. Although The SMG's aren't very powerful weapons they are just sitting ther on the walkway before you get in a large close-quarter fire-fight with three or four people. Coincidence. And i've also started doubling up the wall.

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    Here is a closer screen-shot of the command center which we will be looking at in more detail. Here is a good example of what i mean when i say interesting architecture. We'll start from the top. I'm trying to find a way to add the roof into gameplay. Instead of red and blue I did custom powerups, Since i figured yellow is more of the locust color. The wall that is interlocked into the box just far enough so that a person can cover their entire body from it hides two spike grenades. NOTE: WEAPONS ARE NOT FINALIZED THET WILL PROBABLY CHANGE DURING TESTING. I'm going to go through the walkway and make it really smooth before i do anything next. Now let's take a look at the guard tower.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 82KB.[​IMG]

    This is the guard tower. From it's high view the user can overview almost the entire map. I have placed the sniper in this tower to create a feeling of rush. Once people learn that it houses sniper, then everybody charges in to be the first and grab it. One of the best techniques for getting sniper is to grab the Two SMG's on the walkway and use it to drop your opponents as they rush in and get killed by 3 or 4 people. Remember this is still a work in progress so i still have to go back and triple up the walls where players can grenade jump out of the map, or in some places just walk out.



    This base used to be where the locust drones mined and processed the imulsion. It The C.O.G spawn on the outside of the structure. This is what Made out of the octogonal structure. The horozontal sheild doors are supposed to be pooled imulsion. which gets sucked up through the pipe (right-side up sheild doors). Short-barriers were included because it is in fact a base, We don't want players to immediatly die after spawning at the start of the round (same concept with the interlocked wall in the locust base). I hope to fill the bottom of the pit with teleporters that kill you when you fall in.


    This is a closer look at the "Pipe" running verticly from the pool of immulsion. I hope to make this cool aestetic feature a place to put a low-powered weapon. (such as a carbine, or a needler, or maybe It could be this sides SMGs. As you can see from the first picture this platform is in the middle of the imulsion pool meaning you have to jump to get there. Not much of a risk though seeing that it is only a few feet wide.

    One of my major concerns with this "Pipe" is that players could camp in the middle and b sheilded from everywhere. I wish people wouldn't resort to such noob tactics and then I wouldn't have a need to worry but I'm a little bit concerned right now cause I don't want to have to redo this.

    Possibly i couild end this risk by a switch that drops a fusion coil on the camper.

    Also I The next part of my project is to add a walkway up to he guard tower. And then I have one last structure for you before I go into details. DON"T WORRY when you see these pictures and think that the middle of my map is going to be empty. IT IS NOT. as well as a structure that cuts the map in half from the guard tower The scenary I include in the middle of the map will not be double boxes or walls. All players of GOW know that GOW does not have this kind of scenary. Barriers, wire spools, crates, fusion coils, barrles, and many more scenary items will be used.

    Pictures of final structure

    This is it the one last structure I have to add to the map. The structure that will have the maps main power weapon. It is a neutral building that sits in the middle of the two bases across form the guard tower. It is a simple square building with a cut out place to hold a power weapon. It is hard to decide what weapon to place in this cubby but I'm thinking Rockets with 1 spare clip that spawn every 180 seconds. Or a brute shot with 2 extra clips that spawns every 120 seconds.

    Now for the screen-shots themselves.


    This screen-shot shows an outside picture of the final structure. In the backstory this is the place where the locust brought the imulsion after it is mined. It is where they process the oil. It is very close but an even distance from both bases. I will try to avoid rush in this structure by having the weapon not spawn at the start.


    This is the side view of the final structure. You can sort of see the cubby created to house a power-weapon. And the door that you jump on to get into the cubby.


    Here is an closer picture of the cubby. When adding details tommorow I will put a weapon in there as well as fusion coils to prevent camping. About this building in general I was going to follow the original plan but my budget wouldn't allow and I created this instead.


    Here is where i will post the rest of this maps pictures until i post the map

    In order to be able and make the map un-escapable I had to use a complex layout of smaller immovable objects. Although this wall may not be aesteticly pleasing it does what i need it to do. Players can jump on the roof of the building via grenade jump but cannot escape the map this way. It's actually the maps best sniping point. I still havn't gone all the way around though.

    Planning/ wall/ structures/ add detail/ test/ post

    Please comment and share your thoughts
    #1 ForgeGod117, Oct 17, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    i know this sounds weird, but the design and description sound an awful lot like my new map, and i'm about to post it.
  3. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Hum, coincedence i suppose cause I sure didn't steal it.
  4. CLIFF X13

    CLIFF X13 Ancient
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    Nice idea, when do you think your gonna start making it, and what other "special" items/scenery are you going to include.
  5. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Well, the design and layout looks like a new experience. And it's made for 1v1 and 2v2? That's awesome. I can't wait to see it made, it looks like it'll be fun for settling fights and arguments ("I have way more Halo skill than you!" "Prove it! We're gonna fight on Forgegod117's newest 1v1 and 2v2 map!") Anyway great job on the idea, send me a message or something when you post it.
  6. TDavisss

    TDavisss Ancient
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    Actually looks pretty good. Should be a great 1v1 map.
  7. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    OKAY quick question, lets say i want to advertise this map in a sig with a picture that is a link what should i do. The sig editor is really confusing. Here is the picture that i want to make a link. How could i make it bring users to this thread.​


    Sorry i'm not very good with technical stuff.​
  8. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Alright, all you have to do is put the picture in. Highlight it, then click on the globe at the top of the screen. You will see a promt, put the link to the map in there.
  9. I K3NN3DY I

    I K3NN3DY I Ancient
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    are you gonna have enough stuff to finish the top of the map so there are no escapers?
  10. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Thanks it is alot easier that what I was trying to do.

    I should it's not going to get tripled up everywhere just where people can jump out.
  11. DDjusD

    DDjusD Ancient
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    #11 DDjusD, Oct 23, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  12. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    looks pretty good... in the first couple pix flip that fence box... and in the others needs a larger wall i dont think i missed any wall removed things so ya... and for the pipe make it extend up ward w/ i like \ in it to make it pipe like... other that that layout looks good and instead of the bridge roof angle bridges inward... might make it look better and dont take pix on forge PLOX lol nice map tho... 4.5/5
  13. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Thanks a ton, I can't work during the week because of school but I will definatly be able to finish during the weekend. Plus testing & posting.

    Great post I love the advice. Angling the bridges seems like a nice aestetic touch. I actullay have went back and made the wall really smooth after I took those picture I will go do that pipe again. Just a simple geomerge. And I just realized that the pictures were on forge. When i post the final i will remember not to do that.

    If you think this map looks nice check out my blog for future projects!!
  14. DDjusD

    DDjusD Ancient
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    #14 DDjusD, Oct 25, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016

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