Ive gotten a lot of tattoos some which i cant show. Tattoos for me have always meant a lot i got my first at 14 in France and this is it. I got the tribal sun because i always wanted to rise with the sun. When i get up the sun rises on my back. yeah a little foolish but i was young and I by no means regret getting it. A few years later i wanted some stars to go with my sun. I got them during a very hard time in my life there were stars that were empty on the inside.. i know how emo but hey i was only 16. I got some other tattoos during this time bu i wont show them i have two lotus blossom in a personal area(no not my butt) one is a dark blossom one is a lighter blossom Next his tattoo i got when i was about 20. By this point i had a good deal of tattoos and was researching all the different tattoos of the world. This tattoo is Hawaiian/Polynesian style tattoo. its on my ribcage.. it was the most painful tattoo I've gotten. The most recent tattoo is this one which i got last year when i was 23 its a tribal eagle on the front of my lower leg. It was also quite painful it symbolizes my job as a bike messenger because on a bike I fly like an eagle. Yes i have a very hairy leg. I hope you enjoyed these. My advice thing very hard about what you want all theses tattoos were well thought out and i regret nothing.. oh and make sure your of age i may have gotten tattoos when i was underage but they were by professional artists with an extensive portfolio.
I believe that God gave our bodies to us just the way he wants us to look like and we shouldnt change our physical appearance. YOu dont agree, cool I dont care
I want my whole right arm Tribal pattern (google it) and something on my back not sure its going to cost a pretty penny. Any ideals for the back?
I will probably get one of those full arm tattoos later in life. They always amuse me. Other than that, I really don't see the point in tattoos. Its not that I don't like them I just don't see what tattoos accomplish besides making you a badass. But yeah, whatever floats your boat. Post pics of them when you get them.
There called sleeves ^.^ and there is a point, sometimes tattoos are very meaningful, they can represent a passed family member, or something that you happen to have a great interest in. They could represent what kind of person you are, or some people just get them for an aesthetic quality(looks cool >.>) it all really depends on what your views are on tattoos, and if you really want whatever your getting to be with you for the rest of your life.
If you get one of your favorite band, you're a huge tool. If you're trying to bring in a religion debate into a tattoo thread, get out.
When I join the army/airforce/marines (haven't decided, but i'll definitely join one or the other) i'll get a tattoo of my dog tag.
i dont has pics but a cross on ur back w/ like a banner hang over it would be cool and lots of ppl i no have got like (first initial) LAST NAME (middle initial) ()=smaller... or something like that i forget... but it is kinda cool looking just make sure it is well thought out... i liked the eagle vicous vice had and thanks for not going CHIMO and posting the blossoms lol....
Dude that would be sick. Like you have 'em draw a chain around your neck and the tag hangs like right under your collarbone. Oh and props on wanting to join the armed forces, something I don't think I'm man enough to do. If you were to join the air force, than I'd say get an eagle or warhawk facing up on your back with its wings spread from shoulder to shoulder.
Yeah, thanks bro. When I told my parents I wanted to join the armed forces when I was older as a reserve, they just tilted their heads down and said "we spent all this damn money for you to die."
Ya I've bin thinking of joining the army too but I also think of my life ahead of me or how the war in Iraq is meaningless (This would change if it was a different war that we need). Haven't talked to anyone about this.
that guy is skinny as **** the tattoo was a cool idea but he made it gay anyway what would the banner be?
"improve yourself." in latin or something on one of those banners that go across hearts usually saying a name