the best remake of beaver/battle creek i've seen so far, despite the spikes. I'll DL when i have some space left, i just have to delete a bunch of stuff
will do guy and im making two remakes of this map, v2 will be a 110% the same as halo 2s version. And V"h3" will be a remake that is what i think bungie would do if they made the maps there selfs and where they would put things if any one can help with the idea then ill take comments on it! and if you can hook me up with a bungie worker that would be ****ing sweet! (can i say that?) any way thanks guys will have it all up soon!
i didnt make the map so i dont know if you ran out of objects but you should put dumpsters on the rocket spawn to make it look more rocky also you left out the creek : ( but it is still a good map i give you a 4/5
Seems quite accurate. You could have used shield doors as water... not the best likeness, but it does the trick.
thanks for commenting, but yes i know about what to do when i could use shield dorrs but i dont fell lik doing it i might come out with a v2 im not sure yet.
the fact that you made go underground is cool, but the proportions in this map are very in accurate. otherwise, besides for being too small, it looks pretty similar.
thanks im making a v2 and if you remember right beaver creek was small also. lol im just messing around yes i do know this map is a lont smaller then we all like to remember the others, hope bungie does a remake! (and with ivory tower)
Very nice, looks like a great recreation of an H2 classic. It's too bad I sucked at H2 and I died so much on this map. My question is, won't the mancanonns shoot you out of the map if you touch them? How is that an effective wall?
most people dont use them the way i do... if you try to walk into the back of the mancannon then it acts as if it where a wall. and you cant go though it. but no you cant jump to the side eather and get shot the rest of the way out. so they look cool if you need a bright plasma room.
If you didn't "want" a part of the original map, why'd you make a remake? Personally, I'm unimpressed with the majority of this map. The tunnels and innards of the base look pretty good. The rest is painful to my poor retinas. Almost as painful as your post's lack of grammar, organization, and spelling. If you're going to do a full remake, make sure you get things like the bridge, alcoves, and RIVER correct. Otherwise, it's merely "inspired by."
ll got ya like i said if you read the rest of the post im working on a v2 but im putting it off b/c i am working on about 6 other maps at the same time.
Man, I Don't Think You Created This Map Because, I've Had The Same Map For Like A Month Now, And It IS The Same Map As The One You Just Posted, Everything Looks Exactly The Same, As The One You Call Mine.
HELL NO! this is all mine! and any one that says its there is Lieing! but to be all real this truely is may map. im not as proud of it as my other maps but this is my map any i took for ever on it! so please dont think that i would take this from others this took a long time!
I actually already found your version of this map and loved it . The one thing i don't like is the size of the area behind the bases. I really beleive you could have made it larger. And I was thinking about the creek, it wouldn't have to be water it would just have to be a shallow divet in the map-how this would be accomplished is beyond me. It was just a thought seeing how you went ahead and raised the floor like you did ( I have only seen this done once before and wasn't nearly as good ) I think it would take alot of work and might not be worth the effort but it is an idea none the less
lol well it is a fun jug map but i think it was worth it but i do think this could be so much better.