This was my first post on forge hub so tell me if i did anything wrong. Alien Created by PolishedLake = me [br] Supported Gametypes: Evacuation [br] Map Description The map starts you out in the lab with the humans on one side of the glass, and the aliens on the other. The aliens break their way out by breaking the pallet in the middle of the floor then fall through like in the movie. They can either meet up with the humans in a hallway or go into a teleporter that will teleport them randomly throughout the map. The humans have to leave the lab and go into the flooded kitchens, if they go the wrong way then they will run into the aliens. After the humans go through the kitchens, they will go into the broken stairway ambush room. The humans must climb up the "ladder" and go through a teleporter to a small armory with low ammo. Then they go through some hallways and go to the ship. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] This is the lab/containment room [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] Aliens break out here [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] This is the flooded kitchen [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] The broken stairway after the kitchens [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] me being ambushed in the stairway [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] A small armory with about four weapons with low ammo [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] A trap door like in movie which teleports you to alien room [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] Aliens go in here after breakout which teleports them randomly around map [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] The ship [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] An overview of the map(I used almost the whole map) [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] [br] Download Alien Download Evacuation [br]
This may be a noob question but why does it say franzcars started this thread when I did? P.s. could someone plz reply. P.s.s I really need to know, someone reply plz.
Beautifully crafted map, true to the movies. Why don't you try to fashion a VIP gametype where you have to kill the queen alien who resides in a lower lab chamber. A grav lift or teleporter could spawn after a set time limit and release her to wreck havok. The idea would be similar to "The Last Level" gametype.
Is it just me or does this look like one of the weirdest map layouts? No offense, it just looks crazy and full of random things. (Not in a bad way)
I love that flooded kitchen. This is possibly my favorite zombies map that has an armory. About that franczar thing: I honestly do not know.
This was a very cool map, I especially liked the flooded kitchen. That was a creative touch. However there were a few portions of the map that were a bit sloppy, were a bit more interlocking could have cleaned it up nicely. An example of where some interlocking would have helped Another example Also the staircase was a bit hard to scale I've made a few pics of where I think things might be better if switched. It was way hard to go from the first to the second "stair" once you got into the habit of scaling you found that if you jumped up against the wall you were fine going up, but this one was a little too hard since you have to start all over if you miss. also the jump was way too high, bring it off the level cap a little. There were many ways to get out of the level, one is shown here. I didn't like the fact that when you reached the end of the level you just went back to the beginning. However, the sniper and battlerifle in the case was a great touch. I also Liked the design of this place. Anyway thats my two cents, take it or leave it.
Thank you for the review, and you said there were other ways to get out, could you tell me them about the staircase, it really wasn't that hard to climb for me and my friends and that it was supposed to be hard. and the ship part where you teleport back to the start, i didn't want the humans to camp in the ship because i wanted them to keep moving. on the part where you get out the map, i just started the map in a game and it didn't disappear
if its supposed to be mildly hard then its fine =] Alright, but I think maybe you should teleport to a last zone. (but if you can't then not camping is defiantly good) maybe one of my friends deleted it, I am sorry.
Nope, my map Junkyard is way more random. Also, it sounds like fun, haven't seen the movie, but I love infection, so this sounds perfect for me
thx for the comments guys. If anyone knows about the franzcar thing and why it says he posted this thread, plz tell me. :squirrel_grouphug:
techniqually you have based this on alien ressurection but its still amazing and i am definalty dowloading it once i fix my xbox!
oh i also have an idea i dont know if you have thought about it but if you have an alpha zombie it could be stronger and faster like the queen alien or half human hybrid thing from the end of the film.
well i have thought about that but i wanted to have several aliens at the start and not just one powerful one.
I don't know why, but it might have been an error from when we switched servers and the site was down for a few days. I was also wondering how he had posted a map but still had 0 posts. I suggest you just start a new topic. Just quote the original post, copy all the info, and paste it into a new thread. Just make sure you delete the quote tags before and after the post. Then a moderator should be able to lock this thread.