Powers Guardian/Pit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Call Me Power, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. Call Me Power

    Call Me Power Ancient
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    Hi, I’m new to these forums. I attempted to post my maps at Bungie.net for some criticism, but as I’m sure you can imagine, the B.net forums are sheer chaos. So I decided to come here to get opinions of people who actually know what they’re doing concerning Forge. So please, take a look at my maps and tell me how I can improve them, gameplay wise and/or aesthetically.

    Because I have two levels that are the exact same concept but just different maps, I’ve decided to post both of them together in this thread for efficiency. If I’ve posted in the wrong format, I will gladly change it.

    Powers Guardian
    Created by Call Me Power
    Supported Gametypes:
    (Team) Slayer
    Map Description
    This map emphasizes grenades and equipment, not weapons. This map is different from most Forged maps you see, in that most Forged maps are filled with a lot of scenery, weapons, vehicles or warps to make the level crazy. This map has none of those things.

    The only things on this level are grenades and equipment, with the exception of one Flamethrower that spawns in the middle of the central platform. If you look at the screenshots, the level looks quite bare, and to tell the truth, quite unexciting. But to be honest, while I spent a lot of time deciding what grenades and equipment should go where and for what reasons, the level wasn’t made to look exciting; the gameplay was made to be exciting. You kind of have to play the map with several friends, and not by yourself, to get a good feel for the level.

    I’m a casual gamer (only play for fun), but I consider this to be a competitive map, because you will often find yourself with eight grenades and a piece of equipment. This will help you practice switching between the appropriate grenade for a situation, and when to use a certain piece equipment, or when it is actually better to switch the piece of equipment you have for a different one because it is better suited for your situation.

    You can set the starting weapon to whatever you want, but I prefer Assault Rifles (close range weapons work best). 2-8 players recommended. I’m sorry if the pictures don’t do justice for my map, but as I said, there really isn’t that much to see, just a lot to play :)
    Grenade placements on the level.
    Deployable Shield vs Fire Grenade. Flamethrower spawns in the middle platform.
    Lower Invisibility, Trip mine, Frag grenades
    Overshield. Spike grenades and Flare can also be seen on tree stumps.
    Approximate equipment placement; not to scale :) [circled items are on a different level than surrounding items]
    Download Powers Guardian
    Download Nades n’ Equip
    Powers Pit
    Created by Call Me Power
    Supported Gametypes:
    (Team) Slayer
    Map Description
    This map is the same concept as Powers Guardian, but it’s a variation of The Pit. Like Powers Guardian, this level was made to be very simple, yet very fun. All scenery and weapons have been removed, and all that’s available are grenades and equipment, as well as one custom power-up on each side of the map. Each custom power-up will give you a 15 second boost of invincibility and speed. As in Powers Guardian, there is also one power weapon on Powers Pit (a turret); it spawns where invisibility is in a default version of The Pit.

    The two sides of the map are symmetrical in terms of grenade and equipment placement. However, the type of grenade differs on each side. Frag grenades are on the side of the map were Warthogs spawn outside of the fence; the opposite side has plasma grenades. Spike grenades are along the raised middle part of the map. Incendiary grenades spawn on ramps leading to the sword room, as well as the tunnel under sword room (no sword on my level). There will be pictures explaining all of this incase I’ve confused you :)

    This is also a competitive map, like Powers Guardian, and will help you become better with multiple grenade use and equipment use. Starting weapons are Assault Rifles (as other weapons, such as the Battle Rifle, tend to discourage close combat where grenades and equipment are used), though you can change it if you prefer a different starting weapon. 4-10 players recommended.
    Grenade placements on map.
    Got the overshield from default Rocket spawn. Notice the turret and spike grenades.
    Going for the custom power-up.
    Power Drainer and Invisibility spawn here in sword room. I was steel colored because I had the custom power-up.
    Approximate equipment placement; again, not to scale [makes the level look a lot more full than it really is].
    Well, there’re both of my maps. And please leave feedback concerning the good and/or bad things in my maps. I would greatly appreciate it!
    Download Powers Pit
    Download Nades n’ Equip (same as from Powers Guardian)
  2. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
    Senior Member

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    We need more pictures!! Also it seems like you didn't really put allot into this. Build new walls, buildings, areas ect...
    Good first try though, keep it up.

    ps. I do like that you used the heatmaps to explain but like i said give us some pictures!
  3. Call Me Power

    Call Me Power Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not to be rude, but I did put quite a bit of time into this. The point of the this level was for it to be very open (lack of new areas, walls, etc); its pure grenades and equipment, which has a very unique style of play. I had to decide how to divide up the map for grenades, and decide which type would work best in what area; not only did I consider where to place equipment, but also why it should be placed there (some pieces of equipment work better in certain areas). I tried to focus on making a map or two that was 100% gameplay focused, and I think these turned out pretty well. I'll try to get more pictures though.
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This is a very interesting concept. I'm going to disagree with JJ on this one. You obviously put time into the maps, any fool could see that just from the 'shopped overhead views of the maps. That's a nice touch.

    I absolutely suck at grenade sticking, so this may help me out. I won't ever play this with my wife, however; she would totally own me with the plasma grenades.

    Have you played with the Bungie 'nades 'n spades' gametype (grenades and plasma pistol only)? It would seem right up your alley.

    This is a good first post and a nice take on competitive gameplay. Welcome to Forge Hub and I'll be on the lookout to see what else you come up with down the line.
  5. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These two maps look very interesting. The gameplay of just grenades is kind of a neat idea.
  6. Call Me Power

    Call Me Power Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I didn't know Bungie had a 'nades 'n spades' gametype. I'll be on the lookout for it. And I really do hope you enjoy the maps! I have a few more maps that I'm going to post (hopefully tonight or tomorrow), that're the exact opposite of these maps (where the placement of objects is key to gameplay).

    Thank you very much!
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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  8. goldman 010

    goldman 010 Ancient

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    i think you should put like the sort of weapons of that power in the group too.

    like plasma=plasma rifle
  9. Call Me Power

    Call Me Power Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's not a bad idea. I'll try and do that after I get off work today.
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    I agree with the Nades n Spades idea. The map and heat map pics shows me that you thought this map completely out. Overall nice job on your first post, I have to say it is waayy better than the other first post here.lol

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