Someone suggested this a while ago to me, so I figure I'll try it, see what happens. I usually play the same minigames, every TGIF. Minigames, and minigames. Maybe casual, actually. Nothing past that, except maybe one game to change things up. So, feel free to offer a suggestion on what I should play. It needs to work well for 12 players. It should be a minigame or casual game. I don't like random zombie games. Fun, fun, fun. That's mostly what matters to me. If you can suggest me a good one, I'll give you some rep. It's a good 50 points or something by now...
Dude. Forge Wars. Although it can only be played in Forge mode. So the player limit is just 8. Would be a great one to play should you find yourself lacking numbers. Casual - Check Fun - Check Zombie - Negative Over & Out. (Go do your homework)
VICIOUS VICE always plays my Satellite Mice at his TGIF ever since I showed it to him, it's Cat 'n' Mouse on Standoff and 12 people is perfect for it. Don't want to be advertising but I thought since VICE liked it and he's a more "higher up", you may actually consider it. Casual - Yup Fun - Indeed Zombie - Kinda? Something I noticed is that no one plays In The Shadows at TGIF...
Sattelite Mice I had but forgot, thanks Forge Wars has a 8 player limit In the Shadows I play already.
Im making a "the floor is lava game" if you want to use that when its done. (Hopefully no one has already done it) I don't really play minigames so i can't suggest much.
while i'm on this thread i might as well mention that i am currently working on a game called hall monitor as indicated on my signature. its one of those games where the zombie tries to get to the human while the human knocks scenery into the zombies path knocking them away or even killing them. and i have been thing of unique, original ideas as a forged so maybe that could be something to test out.....maybe just a thought
This is a pretty good idea insane, its good for a change and who knows more about whats fun than the players?. well here it goes, i will give the map name and a summary description. The first two we have very creative but simply mini-games. They are extremely fun and are created by Morphine the original thread here: Shooting Range Ever had a dispute with your friend over who is the better shot or perhaps who should have first dibs on the sniper in matches? Well now there is a civilized way to settle these disputes. Shooting Range is the first competitive shooting range map that requires no honor rules. The game is played as a capture the hill map, players are split into two teams and spawn in their own respective boxes. fun factor: fun Crater Raiders on Vredefort The major difference here is rather than attempting to hold to high ground the turret is placed at the bottom of an enormous crater. What sets this map even further apart from other tower of power remakes is that the turret cannot be detached or destroyed. fun factor: very fun Pennyless Created by DeathToll77 and idiotninja. original thread: Has some problems but is really fun and a great time killer. Each human starts on a platform inside the map with a plasma pistol. The zombies start in a cage elevated on each end of the map and start with needlers. The zombies goal is to knock the humans of the ledges using the needlers. Shooting the humans with the needlers will cause them to loose their balance. If they fall they will die when they get to the bottom.
Slit Pinball, this is so epic! I played it the other day and it was crazy! I definitely recommend it for TGIF! Linkzorz Pennyless is awesome too, but I didn't post that too, because the person above me already did.
hey im usually in insanes party and i have to say pennyless is no good. it is a good concept but has a lot of flaws so id say no to that dris
Thanks for the support, I should be releasing my latest mini game relatively soon. You guys should also check it out, it's a mix between tremor valley, sharks and minnows, rockwall, cave freaks, and other very original concepts. It can also support up to 16 players so it's great for tgif. Not to mention uses the terrertories gametype in a way no one has implemented it before. Personally I think its my best so far.
I just want to let you know that this is an older version with known problems, I would suggest the newest one.