Okay so I figured an entire website, sharing ideas, could produce some rather amazing maps. Should we give it a shot? But this is not a forum for stealing peoples idea's. If they say they're currently working on it please give them the decency of creating their own ideas, aka do NOT steal them. A few of my ideas. I start from one general idea and build from there. The White House < defending it possible KOH The Pentagon (currently working on it) < Bomb it < assualt gameplay type Both of those ideas are intended to be multi level. I've always wanted to see someone make some sort of cannon with fusion coils. I was thinking set up a man cannon and point it as you want it. set the fusion coil on a ledge above it, make its runtime maximum the same as its minimum so it comes back instantly. Then whenever the respected team wishes to send their opponents a healthy fusion coil post card... wuala! there you have a cannon.
Yea, with the fusion coil thing, I was actually going to make a kind of catapult game type with it. so each team has 4 man cannons and they can push explosive cans into it. Also, the center would be walled off so you couldn't cross the middle. Now that I think about it you could have grav lifts spawn on both sides so the teams could throw them down to adjust the distance the cans would fly. Here is a sketch L L C C C C * * * * --------- * * * * C C C C L L so the C's are the man cannons, the Ls are the grav lift equipment, the stars are where you could throw the lifts (making the cans go farther), and the line is the wall
Yeah, I was also thinking of creating a pyramid (maybe some where other than foundy) Basically you fight to the top which is the only way in and once your inside its kind of like king of the hill, I dont know its just a brainstorm but hey isnt that the purpose of this forum =)
I was already making a pyramid but I got RRoD so I'm in the middle of it right now. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I had that idea months ago.
Yes, we're all aware that lots of people have similar ideas. A pyramid hill has in fact already been done, but what is interesting is seeing different take on it. I like the sound of the bomb the pentagon idea.
Instead of just having a pyramid with a top, have the top go into a hollow 3D maze, you could put in traps too, such as having a hallway with "arrows" aka grav lifts on walls that fire explosive cans
Yeah... My bomb the pentagon idea has been stressing me out im trying to make it a bungie favorite, i searched for about an hour and NO ONE has ever done one.... lol I love having claim on this idea! No but seriously i cant wait to share this map with everyone!
Good luck with the B Fave... you and everyone else are trying to get on it. Interesting idea... but needs something to make it a little more original.
Sounds cool. But to you guys planning the pyramids good luck if you're using walls to do that. Trust me after making Mount Doom prtly out of walls I know it's tough.
What I have not seen yet is a Terrorist, Counter-terrorist games. Maybe re-makes of Levels from Counter-Strike.
Yeah this pentagon idea is going to turn up good, 3 level building, terrorists start outside, only access in is through the roof, then you have to make it to the basement with the bomb. we'll see how it turns out. and the people on the inside cannot or at least arent supposed to leave the building ill find a way to keep them in and let other in as well
I've got this idea I'VE BEEN WORKING ON. Ive been making this territories map on last resort but ive been basing it loosley on the H2 level Delta Halo. Ive managed to make the shade turrets and a form of multi-man drop-pod. The turrets are made by putting ghosts on the broken archway(and one in the window-gap things) and then putting neutral territory markers on top of them. It stops the ghost moving but it can still fire in a 180' range. The drop-pods are made from open conainers, backed up to the cliff wall, and with two forklifts proped up on their back wheels and pushed together to form doors. At the start of the game a fusion coil hits them and blows them away from the exit. Please tell me what you think and if you want i can upload what ive got so far.
hey, that's a good idea on the delta halo thing. mind if i kinda take the drop pod idea and play around with it for a map i MIGHT make?