My map finally posted the map has weapons scattered i wont tell you the weapons exept that there is a splazer hidden in a crack. Here is where you start where you crash landed Ps: you cant drive the hornet Here is a halo 1 way of weapons put near the hog Here is the ghost Here is me killing a ambush when i am last man the : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details gametype: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
hmm we need more pictures to see the surrounding area i mean is the only scenery the warthog and the hornet? alot of action shots but not many map shots i understand this map is hard to forge on but from what i can see now is that theres not that much different from the usual unless im wrong by all means due to lack of shots i like ur other maps however
Interesting. Good idea borrowing the hornet idea from Cave Freaks. However, I have has bad experiences with infection on Sandtrap. Could we possibly see a larger map layout and a description of gameplay?
I cant really consider downloading this map until i get more information and pictures sooo... Improve on that please?
What's to stop you going in the hornet? I don't see much different in this map from the screenshots from a map where you drive around in circles shooting zombies in a Gauss Warthog.
That's probably true lol. But you can't always tell a map by it's appearance. Considering he's only showing the ground level of the map but not inside or in the sky.
i dont get it describe the map more so it gives people incentive to download it because usually when people dont it means they are not pro and most likely dont have a great map once u put up map pics and description...ill check back and rate the actual map
Excuse me senor, but you need to explain the map more. You explain that you can't use the vehicles. But what is the map look like? Por favor explicame.
Fair enough, but you'll get more DLs for showing everyone all of a great map than if you show people part of your 'great' map expecting them to download it out of curiosity. Partly because there's usually one person who will DL and then post back telling everyone about the map, but mainly because people aren't all that curious and most people can't be arsed to download a map that might be good.
We need alot more info on the map before I can really comment on it. Nice, artistic pics from what i can see. lol but thats about it really. Maybe at some info and some pics and we'll see
The layout of this maps seems like it could replace sandtrap due to the aesthetics but still doesnt do anything. Looks nice for your point of view for infection
The map looks a bit plain. It seems that its just a few cars just been placed. 2/5 until I see more pictures
I will download, yet if you don't want to show them the map you need to find a way to grab the readers attention. The hidden weapon idea have been done before but it doesn't make it not good or fun. No review from me until I have played it.