So yeah, I'm bored of the text/links/etc. So I was wondering if one of the great G&A peeps could make me a sig. Now, for basics... I would like it to be 500x200. I've got two pics. that I would like it to be themed off of (kind of a mix of both of them) and instead of the words in the pics... have my name there. "Vorpal Saint"... color scheme should follow close to both pics. and if you feel like doing anything else feel free to. Here's the two pics I want it themed off of. Pic 1 Pic 2 So yeah... I hope someone can pull this off to where I'm pleased with it, which I'm sure someone can...
I like it, but I was thinking maybe you could add those little symbols in the second one on the left side area... that'd be cool. Seems alright... but it also seems a little bright in areas (Right where Saint starts) maybe try making it lighter (burn it even?)...
I kind of like the first one.. but I think the line through the name and it being solid would be cooler. --Also the second sig. made me lol.
He actually meant the teal color. But that's besides the point. (And it's off-topic). Please don't post off-topic things thanks. (If anyone will make me one still that'd be nice)... And if you do try to get some of the stuff from the second pic. If you want, you can use this as well. link. EDIT: And thanks dontknowme42, hope it comes out good.
Here is a somewhat revised version, with more focus on the text. And yes, I attempted the version with those symbols on the left. But it came out shitty because of the subtle color differences.
Ok then. I'll think I'll go ahead and stick with this one then. I likes it a lot. Thank you much smeagle.