
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Squiiddish, Oct 22, 2008.


What do you tihnk of this map?

  1. Wow... this is freakin' hilarious. I love it!

    11 vote(s)
  2. Haha good idea. Not amazing, but good.

    1 vote(s)
  3. Kinda lame. Doesn't really entertain me.

    0 vote(s)
  4. What... the... f***

    2 vote(s)
  1. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    The most frighteningly death-filled Pandora's-Box of a map you will ever see in your lives. Ever.
    (DISCLAIMER- Not necessarily true)

    Created by: Squiiddish
    Players: 3 to 6

    How the map came to be: One day, long long ago, in a land far away from here, known only as Idaho, a young boy logged onto his XBox 360. He joined an MLG game with his friends the Delta clan. He was teamed with Delta Frost, pitted against Delta Legend77 and Delta Storm23. Unfortunately, the latter two are completely effin invincible. After a quick game ending 21-50, Frost and I's hopes were crushed. So we made a new game: Catch the Sticky. We would spawn, make a mad dash for some plasma 'nades, then throw them and try to catch them with our faces) before Legend or Storm could stop us. This quickly devolved into an all-out suicide festival. Regardless of how pissed off our enemies became, Frost and I were laughing like no other, and having a lot more fun than we usually doo at Halo even when we're experiencing a crusing victory. Holy crap... Suicide is hilarious!

    And thus, this map was born.

    A minigame created as a more refined contest of suicides. The objective is as simple and as ludicrous as it sounds: Kill yourself more quickly and efficiently than your opponents.

    To this end, I have forged potentially the simplest and smallest arena ever to grace ForgeHub. Here it be:
    ^ That be the bottom half. Yes, all of it.
    ^ And there's the top. This thing is TINY.

    The game is very simple. You spawn with a Plasma Pistol and 2 frags. The ground is LITTERED with frag grenades, all on instant respawn. I think I seriously used like 18 of them. The point is, you are a limitless fountain of fraggy death. The scoring works as follows:

    +1 pt for a suicide
    -1 point for a kill
    5 points wins the round
    5 rounds

    This is a deceptively simple setup. What I quickly realized was that this actually leads to an incredibly deep, strategic game. It isn't over in 15 seconds like that scoring would make you think. Every time you spawn, you have a snap decision to make. Which of the three roles will you fulfill?

    Simple as is sounds. Spawn, get to grenade huckin, and score yourself a point.

    If you're down a bit on the scoreboards (or somebody has 4 points), it may be beneficial to sacrifice yourself. People lose a point for kills whether they were intentional or not... Run into the leader's grenades! Make them lose points!

    This is the absolute last-ditch effort to stop someone from winning. Or the first effort to piss off your friends for the sake of hilarity! Kill them before they can kill themselves and they won't score. Crude, but effective.

    Far from the simple laugh-fest I had imagined it as, Suicidal has become a fully fledged, tactical minigame. Or an explosive laugh-fest. It's really up to you.
    For those who want to dig even deeper into the effin hilarious or a safer way to score that final point, there are stickies and spike grenades in this map, only accessible by the GIANT LIFT OF UNENDING DOOM AND PAIN in the middle of the map.

    ^ There are 4 stickies. Each is suspended over one of the B signs halfway up the walls. They have moderately long respawn times, but can insure you get a suicide. Sticking yourself is a lot more precise than just toossing frags around.

    ^ In addition, two spike grenades hang from the ceiling. They have long respawn times, and take some time to grab, but are even less likely to get kills than stickies. Just free suicides.

    That's really all there is to it. It's honestly that simple. You run around, you blow yourself up. Yay!

    The sticky grenades are valuable. Don't waste them, like this fool

    No, Pablo! YOU SHALL NOT SCORE!! This is a hilarious attempt to stop him from winning the round

    DOUBLE KILL!! Try not to do this ( for the record, red got the double kill)

    Basic grenade interception... with style

    For a bigger injection of tactical ownsauce, change the settings to Team. May the nades be with you =)

    BLAM (gametype)
    #1 Squiiddish, Oct 22, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2008

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    now this map looks COOL. it would be insane on FFA. i am curious to see how it would play in objective games? excelent forging skills and very cool map. i am truly impressed. 5/5

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey nice interlocking. wutd u use as braces for the walls so that they're all equal
  4. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha I'm not entirely sure how that would work... lol good plan though. I had thought about doing a Juggernaut Suicidal, where the Juggernaut only scored with Killing Sprees, but would win with only two scores. Everyone else scored the normal way. That would add an interesting dynamic...

    Walls. Good ol' Double Walls. My favorite Forge piece ever
  5. MongooseMan

    MongooseMan Ancient
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    lol this map would be so much fun. I like the fact that suicides get you points, and kills lose points. I will definitly anger sum friends with this map : ) Nice interlocking too. 5/5
  6. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    I swear I would be the best at this mini game. lol. this has great forging for a mini game map...
  7. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    WOW this is the most original thing i've seen since i cant remember what becasue the sheer amzingness of this erased my memory. finally a strategic game you can legitly beat annoying MLg people at. i can see it now, yoou get beat in doubles then your like yo 1v1 me, then you rape their ass in this mwahahahahahahahaha. anyways good map, 10/10, plus rep for you :)
  8. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    ho ho ho ho ho ho...........ho...............................................ho, I think that this game wouldn't be entertaining for a long time, suicidal is fun, though you know how freaking easy it is to commit sucide, pick a more creative way then just grenades at spawn, that would be way to easy and I would get way to bored after the least amount of time, not a fav of me, still nice job and I do a nice 4/5 or 8/10.
  9. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha this isn't intended to entertain for a long period of time. It's more of a quick hilarious map you can use to just screw around with your friends. It's a break from actually playing Halo XD

    And when I added in things like Splasers and Rockets and stuff to kill yourself with, interceptions became impossible. Everyone would just spawn, turn around, and blow themselves up. It was kinda boring.
  10. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol epic concept simple D-sign yet is well made and looks like it took time... i think this would be a fun mix B-twen stratagy and humor and the small arena is good so that ppl are close E-nuf to intercept the nades and such.. nice work i would DL but i dont have meh xbox... 9/10 and i reach 450 ya me

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