Good Games To Buy?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HomieG54, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    I recently have been interested in getting some new games for my Xbox 360 to play. Now I'm not the greatest person at picking games unless it's in a series and have played one of the originals or prequels. Anyways I wanted the community's opinion on some nice games to get that are nice to play. I will take single player and multiplayer! Both is possible.

    Games I Own:

    • Halo 3
    • Call of Duty 4
    • CoD5: World at War Beta
    • ShadowRun
    • Rainbow Six Vegas 2
    • Rock Band (The Original)
    • Guitar Hero III
    So if anyone could give me some suggestions that would be great!
  2. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Well Gears of War 2 comes out on Nov. 7th. It has a great campaign and multiplayer. It has online/offline 2 person co-op, 5 vs. 5 multiplayer, bots, and great gameplay that changes it up from the typical run and gun shooter.

    Bioshock is only singleplayer but it is one of the best games i have ever played. The campaign will take most people about 8 to 10 hours to complete so i recommend renting it. I rented it when it came out and then rented it again about a month ago to beat it on hard. It also got game of the year last year from some gaming website.

    Battlefield: Bad Company is a typical military shooter but they did a good job with it. The campaign is challenging and repetitive at some parts but overall i thoought it was pretty good. The multiplayer is what makes this game. 24 player all out war is what the Battlefield series is known for and Bad Company is no different. There are 5 classes and 25 ranks and as you go up in rank you can unlock more weapons and special items for whatever class you want. There is a strong emphasis on vehicles but many classes have an item to counteract the vehicles. Make sure you have a decent internet connection before going online because with 24 people it can get laggy. I usually see more lag in halo 3 with 12 people though.

    Guitar Hero World Tour comes out this sunday i believe. It has a new guitar with touch sensitive frets, drums, and a mic. There is about 80 songs in the track list and a song creator (no lyrics). The game itself is $60. The game and the guitar is $99. The whole set with the guitar, drums, and mic is $180 i think.

    Thats what I would recommend for new games as well as games that came out a while ago. Although i can't help but feel that im forgeting something...
  3. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Okay thanks for the recommendations!

    Anyone else?

    Also Should I get Rock band 2 or GH4?
  4. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    I personally am a fan of Guitar Hero. I believe Guitar Hero World Tour has more features and songs that Rock Band 2. It really depends on what track list you like better.
  5. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    If your into RPGs:
    Assassin's Creed
    Mass Effect
    Fable 2

    Your pretty much set... Can't think of any other good ones

    Other shooters:
    GoW2 comes out soon

    Castle Crashers
  6. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    If you haven't already, definitely consider Guitar Hero: World Tour. It's release is October 26th in America, November 7th for the UK, and November 12th for Australia. It will feature all of the Guitar Hero franchises' features as well as a full band mode and song creator!

    Hope it helped,

    -The Cheat-
  7. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
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    GoW2 is definantly a great choice
    amazing multiplayer in the first, but needed a party system
    if u liked halo forge, Far Cry 2 has a more in depth map editor and some great gameplay
    and definantly GH4 over RB2, and i dont think GH4 has a mic, ciz i believe RB copywrited one of the only practical ways of tracking it
  8. V

    V Ancient
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    If you want a little change of pace, too, I can recommend some good racing and arcade games.
    Pure is just amazing. It has great physics for an ATV racing game, coupled with jaw dropping tricks, wonderful landscapes, 16 player live multiplayer, and loads of parts to create the best bikes possible and is just overall amazing.
    Burnout Paradise is another good one. I've been a fan of the Burnout series since the release of Burnout 1 and this game just gets better and better with each new game (this is the 5th installment). The game is basically aggressive driving at its best with over 80 awesome cars, blistering speeds, up to 8 player multiplayer (with no lag), amazing level design and it all comes together nicely to deliver great gameplay. Plus, Criterion's gonna add motorcycles to the game pretty soon.
    Of course if you're not into racing games and you're still saving up for a big game like Gears 2 there are some great Arcade games out there to try.
    Castle Crashers (anyone here will say so) is just flat out amazing. It looks like one of those four-player coin-op arcade games like the old TMNT arcade game but it quickly deepens into something much more. With 20+ characters to use, over 50 weapons, a character level and skill progression system and much more, there's plenty of replay value left in this game. Plus, Live play has gotten significantly better and there' some DLC coming out soon for this as well.
    Another good arcade game is Geometry Wars 2. Like most classical arcade shooters, this game offers addictive, fast paced action. The graphics are killer in this game. It features the classic mode from Geo Wars and five other fun gametypes to keep you playing for some time. It also features a cool soundtrack that brings life into each gametype. The only drawback is no live play which most of us expected would be implemented.
    Hope this helps ya some!
  9. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thanks Everyone!

    Anyone have any other shooter's or some really decent RPG's?
  10. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Games that you'll want are:
    The Orange Box.(FPS)
    Gears of War.(TPS)
    Oblivion.(WRPG)(GotY edition is best.)

    The reasons.

    The Orange Box.

    The Orange Box is unique as it technically contains 5 games. Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2:Episode 1,Half-Life 2:episode 2, Team Forteress 2 and the greatest game on earth, Portal.

    The Half-Life series is a popular PC shooter and to give you an idea as to the standard of PC shooters, Call of Dutys are PC shooters. The game revolves around Gordan Freeman as he has to defeat the Combine. Clever puzzles and interesting fights make the game a brilliant game to own.

    Team Forteress 2 is one of the funnest online multiplayer games as you have 9 classes, all incredibly unique, and the maps have been perfected. Most maps don't revolve around one battlefield, they usually change the map when the time runs out or when the enemy loses their control point.

    Portal is god. End of story. You are not a gamer if you haven't played Portal.

    Gears of War.(Maybe you should wait until Gears 2.)

    This game is more of a single player experiance then a multiplayer game. You are Marcus Fenix as you combat the Locust Horde with many interesting weapons such as the chainsaw bayonet Lancer, the Hammer of Dawn which calls down orbital bombardment, Torque Bow which kills enemies by sticking an explosive charge to arrows and many, many more.


    This game is truely a creepy experiance. Imagine being stuck in an underwater city full of psycopathic enemies that talk to themselves and their voices are heard echoing around the halls. Imagine an artist gone mad who beliees beuty is in the eyes of the cold, lifeless bodies. Imagine a doctor who believes true beuty is in syymetry. Imagine a nice, innocent little girl accompanied by her protective big daddy, corrupted. Imagine killing her big daddy to get to ADAM.

    If this game didn't win any awards, I'd have screamed bribery. This games immersion is so big, that you piss yourself whn playing at dark.


    This game is huge. I've had the game for 2 years now and I've logged 300 hours on one charecter and still haven't explored everywhere. 'Nuff said.

    There's more but if I listed them all, you'd be broke.
  11. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Lol I don't care tell me all of them!

    Thanks again!

    Anyone else?!
  12. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    some good games I have are:

    ninja gadian 2:really bloody,but fun and the bosses are need good timeing and quick finger reflexes(one mistake facing a boss you lose half your healh)

    splinter cell double agent: you need to save manuelly,but (suprisingly) you have be stealthy and pacient,and save often,because when you die you go back to your last save,unless you want to restart from a checkpoint (there few and far inbetween)

    rainbow six vagas 2: its...very statigetic.

    I would say gears of war,but the new one is about to come out.

    edit: saw you had rainbow six vagas 2
  13. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    My Games To Buy List:

    *Call of Duty: World at War
    *Gears Of War 2
    *Guitar Hero World Tour
    **Fable 2
    **Far Cry 2
    skate 2
    Mortal Kombat vs .DC Universe
    Bioshock 2
    Timsplitters 4
    Resident Evil 5
    Marvel Ultimate Alliance: Fusion
    Fallout 3

    Possibly Buying:

    Guitar Hero: Metallica
    Soulcalibur IV

    My Current Xbox Library:

    Halo 3
    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
    Rock Band; Rock Band 2
    Marvel Ultimate Alliance
    Grand Theft Auto IV
    Gears of War
    Army of Two
    Assasin's Creed
    The Orange Box

    And a couple (not all) of my Xbox games:

    Halo 2
    Timepsplitters 2; Timsplitters 3:Future Perfect
    Grand Theft Auto Vice City; GTA San Andreas
    Tony Hawks Underground; THUG2
    Fable: The Lost Chapters

  14. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    hold up hold up theres going to be a GH Metallica!?! Totally get whenever it comes out
  15. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    • Battlefield: Bad company- Awesome sandbox style gameplay. Multiplayer is great fun!
    • Fable ll- Don't own it, but trust me, its a game you can play forever
    • Farcry 2- With this games map creater, you will probably never play the same map twice
  16. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Think about what instruments you like to play. If it's just Guitar, then GH. If anything else, or you want to try a different instrument, RB.
  17. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Yeah, GH is a great game. I suck at i though. Too much finger movements, and crap on the screen to be focusing on...

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