Like all the best maps and gametypes it simple, There are 5 areas/points available each team has to capture as many areas as possible before the round ends The clever bit is that areas do not lock after capture meaning that if you can kill the other team and push foward you can take thier areas/s there are 3 rounds there are no honour rules but you start without fragmentation grenades thats it play it and you will get it straight away ITS SO MUCH FUN!
Yea, High Ground has a lot of forging potential. It doesnt quite get the attention it deserves. Cenith, however, is under going some local testing. I hold game nights regularly( youd be surprised how many gamers are in my area.) However, Cenith is getting its Xbox Live debut this weekend. I will update this post with images momentarily. They will be links however, considering my laptop( im in Denver at the moment, on vacation) cannot breath at this altitude. It actually plays alot like Cellars, which was intentional. It takes place ENTIRELY on the Laser Tower side of the base. Cheers, and see you saturday! Desert Rat 852
It makes me want to make a map on high ground... ... ... ... THE MAP IS called Warehouse i have got the boundaries put up now i need to do the inside i put it were the power drain room to the stair case room outside it i will finish it soon sense i might have the flu it kinda sucks
Excuse my stpidity, but what is a conquest map. I've played on a few, but they seem to vary from site to site. Edit: Thanks to ezekeil20five17 for explaining it.
Pretty and spacious, blanman, I like the look of it. But is it really set up for Conquest, or just Territories in general? Conquest maps should have a linear path. I'm all for variations on the formula, but at some point it's not Conquest anymore. Maybe you can make a case for it being a spin-off. I don't know... I can't download maps to my xbox right now to check it out. Maybe someone can help me out???
Foundry Tunnels works well with Conquest: Also, thanks for this guide... it provided a great way for me to describe what Conquest is to those that didn't know.
Dude... you have to post it first. jeez. [rolls eyes] Is it even finished yet?? Of course Ramshackle's getting listed... it's awesome. HalfBrian... thanks very much, it looks great!!
lulz... gocha you non-link-postin'..... I thought these were still in their early stages, I am pleasantly surprised.
Glad to hear it :0) You could include Tunnel of Light to if you please, it isnt a traditional 7 territory map, it only has 3. It also has a custom gametype so I am not sure if you want it in there or not.
I'll put it as a spin-off. But could you go in and write a short description for it? I made a space for it, just fill in where I left the ...
Conquest v3 Territory cap: 10 seconds No lock after cap 3 rounds of 3 minutes Base player traits: all standard Starting weapon: Assault Rifle No starting grenades Custom Power Up settings 10 seconds Damage resistance (received): invulnerable Damage modifier (given): 75% Gravity: 75% Forced color: Gold