Tattoo's. Discuss. I plan on getting some. and by some I mean a lot. will post pictures of said tattoos.
I want full sleeves. Im not exactly sure what will be on them but im positive i want sleeves. Where do you want yours?
Unfortunately I don't have a family crest. My plans: Philippine Crest/Flag/Motto [on my back somewhere] in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum (the last words of Christ translated to "into your hands I entrust my spirit.")[on my left arm] NY with a blue star black outline (will provide pics)[on my peck, near my left collar bone]
I'm only 14 but I wouldn't mind one. I'm kinda religious so maybe the trinity symbol. I want a cross with 1910 in it. Maybe some other random stuff. Also my family crest.
Thats true but thats why your supposed to think about what it is and what it means to you, however you can always get it covered or removed even though it would leave a scar.
i don't get tattoo's just because the Philippine flag is my heritage the latin is my religion and the NY star is my home state.
Yeah, my grandpa and all my uncles have our last name tattoed across their back. I'm think about getting that and I got a basement tattoo a couple monthes ago and it wore off so you can hardly see it anymore.
If you want to get the Philippine flag add the same colors of the flag to an animal and get a flag colored animal tattoo. It also depends on how good the tattoo artist is. Let me see if I can get my friend to send me a picture of his.
Iwrestledabearonce ^.^ But you should look into getting sleeves that actually have meaning, or just a rainbow from nipple to nipple either one works.
You can get rid of a tattoo, There are actually a couple of ways to do this. One way is excision, basically they numb the area of the tattoo (usually small with this method) then they remove it surgically. Another way is dermabrasion in which they freeze the tattoo (Again small) then "sand" the area with a rotary abrasive instrument causing the skin to peel. Usually for large pieces they use a laser to remove the tattoo. OK now on to tattoos.. I love them, I enjoy getting them as well as seeing ones other people have got, or plan to get. A tattoo to me is just another form of self expression through art. I myself have only 3 but one of those I had worked on twice. I have a Dragon on my left forearm, I have some tribal art on my right forearm (which I designed myself), and lastly I have a large cross on my right leg with my late aunts initials underneath it. I plan on getting many more, It's just hard when you got no money to do it. I too want to get sleeves, haven't really put much thought into how I will tie the sleeves into the current pieces that are already on my arms, But nonetheless I intend to get it done. I would love to get a mural on my back, But that's for the later part of my life.. Maybe after I have kids.
i dun plan on getting a tat anytime soon. of course im too young by 2 1/2 yrs but anyways. you should get one of your all time favorite band. you know what mine would be: Slipknot, yea thats right....
let me tell you a little story. about 4 years ago, i wanted to get the slipknot tribal S so badly. i had it planned out and everything. i didnt have the money though. now, i cannot stand to even hear that bands name. If i wouldve gotten that tattoo, i wouldve been so pissed off at myself for life.