
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by evan12075, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    (click to download)

    -Changes in Version 2-

    -Changes to respawn zones that dramatically effected gameplay. Respawns are much better, which obviously made gameplay better.

    -Changes to weapon layout. More BRs added for those who don't play with BR starts. Also took away 2 plasma pistols, and took away a trip mine that caused camping at the sniper tower. Added a regenerator in place of the trip mine.

    -Changes to map geometry. Added another walkway to the Laser Overpass to make the structure used more often and more effective, as well as the laser. Also added another high point in the map in an area that was lacking a height advantage (right above camo spawn) Also added a mancannon near the mancannon cave entrance that shoots you across the map to provide faster travel so players can get into the battle faster.

    1. Classical Mythology. one of a people supposed to live in a land of perpetual sunshine and abundance beyond the north wind.
    2. an inhabitant of an extreme northern region.
    3. of or pertaining to the Hyperboreans.
    4. (lowercase) of, pertaining to, or living in a far northern region.

    The Covenant war is spreading to farther planets, planets farther from stars and suns. The climate on planet Hyperborean had given his name, as well as it's dwellers. The Hyperboreans weren't popular amongst most, but many who had studied the planet, knew of their unique architecture. Scientists had also been studying a from of energy that Hyperboreans use. They used this energy to power their exclusive transportation system of high powered mancannons.


    Hyperborean is a Big Team Battle/ Squad Battle map, based of half of the map "Avalanche." Default Avalanche is a huge map, so vehicles are key when your playing on it. The whole map is just blank, so when you don't have a vehicle, well, your screwed. I don't really like big team battle on Avalanche. But I've always loved big team battle on Valhalla. So basically, I realized that about half of Avalanche is almost the same size as Valhalla. After some brainstorming, the main goal of my map was to create a map sort of like Valhalla, with a couple of structures, high points, and cover thrown in. I created an asymmetric map and made some use of my resources

    In Hyperborean, You don't need a vehicle to get kills or flag captures, etc. You can get kills on vehicles of course, but the amount of high points and cover on the map allows you to make some use of the handy BR on foot. Getting flag captures on foot is easier than you expect as well. The mancannons already installed with the map, come as handy shortcuts when your walking on foot. But of course, you can always use the good ol' warthog to cap a flag.

    -Weapon List-

    -15 Battle Rifles (added 5 more)
    -2 Plasma Pistols (took away 2)
    -2 Needlers
    -1 Beam Rifle
    -2 Brute Shots
    -1 Spartan Laser
    -1 Gravity Hammer
    -1 Missle Pod
    -2 Covenant Carbines
    -2 Maulers

    -1 Frag Grenade
    -6 Plasma Grenades
    -2 Bubble Shields
    -2 Power Drains
    -1 Trip Mines
    -2 Regenerator

    -1 Overshield
    -1 Active Camo

    Layout Pictures

    Attacker's side

    Attacker's side

    Attacker's side

    NEW: alternate walkway added to Laser Overpass.

    Mid. Section

    Mid. Tower

    Defender's Base

    Defender's Side NEW: Added structure (upside down ramp above camo)

    Defender's Sub-Base

    NEW: Added Mancannon to provide faster travel around the map, and less time to get into the battle.
    The mancannon usually launches you into the green open box seen in the background, but will occasionally launch you over the box.

    Action Pics



    (Epic Bubble)







    Download Here
    (BR starts recommended)

    Special Thanks to:

    Ace of Light
    Andy A99
    Halo Life 2
    HLG Viper
    Vorpal Saint

    These guys helped test a lot, and/or helped me get the map to my full potential
    #1 evan12075, Oct 20, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2008
  2. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Great map, why didnt u ask me to help test it if you needed it? this map reminds me alot like Burial Mounds from halo 2, i like your little bases that u made all over the place. espeacially that sniper tower, it interlocking is good and your Geomerging is amazing, it must've taken u a while to get it right.
  3. mauserman

    mauserman Ancient
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    I agree,the bases (unlike most maps) look great.But what caught my attention is the tower with the teleporters it looks great.It is abviouse it wa along thing to make.5/5
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    this map is really cool, i have another map (not by me) that is really similar and has some really cool features you could incorperate into it, ill send you a message with a link later.
  5. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    This map looks really good. I see geomerging and interlocking. 4/5
    1 question: Is it only one side of avalanche
  6. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    Looks like a really great BTB map. Doesn't look like you have any of your famous movable geometry, but the geomerging on the boxes looks great, and you have some unique and cool designs on the structures. How do you find these words that you give to your maps.
  7. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    hey evan I just saw this map yesterday and it looks like you added quit a bit since then. I wish I got to test this one. Oh well I'll get it next time :p. Great map my friend I like how you have demonstrated the flexibilty of your forging, venturing away from foundry nicely done. 5/5

    Senior Member

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    Very nice map, it's nice to see someone geomerging outside foundry. I dled and it looks great, can't wait to try it tomorrow. Good job, but I realized one thing, the upside down open boxes have a bump as you go in them, is there anyway to fix it?
  9. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    wow.. is this avalanche???? Great job. the map is perfectly geomerged. This curcial on avalanche because scince there is so much uneven ground the map is hard to forge. You actually merged these items into the map to create an entire new map geometry and commend you for that. the structures look very well constructed and from the gameplay pics it is a very well done map that is even more impressive because it is not done on foundry. Good job and i do beleive i will DL and check this out. My final verdict is 9-9.5/10
  10. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    ehh, sorry? I guess I didn't really think of asking you. Just add me. Whenever I'm testing maps I send out invites multiple times to everybody on my friends list.

    Anyway, reminds you of Burial Mounds? not exactly what I was going for, but hey, Burial Mounds was a great map.

    sorry to mean, but I'm glad to see a warning for your post... Spam is one of the most annoying things in my book.

    the answer to your question... yes, I'm pretty sure it was included in my description if you want to read over it again.

    ha, well, my movable geometry would be hard to pull off on Avalanche, but It's possible... Maybe you will see it in the future ^_^

    anyway, about my map names... Dictionary/ Thesaurus.com baby, you learn to love it.

    Yeah, I decided to make a couple of changes before I posted it. I just knew something was missing on the map, but it all seems well now.

    But I had been testing for a couple weeks dude, you were always busy forging your map when I would send you invites... or playing another game... you made me sadface... lol

    anyway, about venturing away from foundry... I seem to like it. Foundry get's boring after a while, and you are very constricted on space. You already saw my next step... yeah, that's right. Blackout.

    Those bumps... hardly even bumps. You won't really even realize anything while walking through them, trust me.

    heh, thanks dude. Making maps on Avalanche takes a lot of time... even this map where I have very few complex structures. Makes me wonder how long and frustrating it was for Pegasi Delta to make Clive...
  11. wapproce

    wapproce Ancient
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    about time you posted it great map i rember testing it with you i sucked at snipers tho lol thats just me tho it looks you added one different structer ill have dl and check it out great job
  12. travishavey

    travishavey Ancient
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    sorry but i dont really like maps on avalanche because its to big and laggy no dl
  13. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Personally, I'm not a big forged-Avalanche fan...but this map wins me over. From your beautifully detailed, original storyline and descriptions to the incredible geomerging and map layout...wow.

    Very, very impressive. Every picture gives yet another reason to download and enjoy this map. Bravo.
  14. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    yup, i took quite a lot of time tweaking a few things, and I scrapped that structure where on of the ghosts spawned because it was pretty pointless, and added a more useful sctructure. Then of course a little changes to weapons and respawns. Anyway, those sniper games were pretty fun eh? thanks for helping me playtest dude.

    really, I've explained It's a BTB map, but it cuts Avalanche in half... (well a tiny bit more than half) it's not that big, and games weren't laggy at all during playtesting.

    thanks dude, I hope the map plays as well as I presented it for you. I put quite a lot of time into the map. The story, I don't get into that type of stuff really, but after I had found my title, I was able to think up of a pretty elaborate background story relating the title to the map. If you didn't know, a Hyperborean was a mythical person who dwelled in a far north place with an abundance of sunshine. On the actual map's description on Bungie.net, I wrote "This cold planet is the fire of the war." It all ties in.
  15. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    Fine, don't quote me to tell me where you get your map names.
  16. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Hope this isn't considered a bump... but this is much needed information.

    I have released a version 2.

    In version 2, I have made some big changes to the spawn system, slight changes to the weapon layout, and moderate changes to the map geometry. Overall, all these changes dramatically effect gameplay for the better. Meaning... the gameplay on v2 could throw v1's gameplay out of the water.

    Please download v2 if you downloaded v1 to get the best out of the map.

  17. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Exactly. Evan, this is fantastic! I see that you do plenty of Forging outside of Foundry, with Coldburn and all. Yeah, so this map looks like an incredible re-working of Avalanche, and I can tell that you put a lot of effort into it. You took the time to geomerge stuff (Particularly the bases) that you could have been lazy about and left normally. That's great to see. I love this map already, and I haven't even played on it yet!! Anyways, I'll definitely have to check this out, and I'll come back with more if I find anything that needs to be said. Great job, man.
  18. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    If it wasn't for Coldfront (another epic map on Avalanche, if you didn't know) this would be by far my favorite (2nd favorite). You've done a truly amazing job with interlocking and geomerging. Gameplay was pretty enjoyable as well, which is why I liked it so much. I've yet to play the v2 yet, but with these new changes I see, I'm sure it's x10 better. I'll be sure to play it during my TGIF. ;)
  19. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    I generally don't like maps built with the geometry of the original map put to use, it makes the map less original. However, this is an exception. You have beautifully geomerged the walls and towers of Avalanche to create your own perfectly original creation. The map layout is great, and the map looks like it would have good flow for 1 sided objective games and team slayer. Great job, 10/10
  20. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    *I agree with the guy above me*

    Yes, I too am not much of a fan of maps like these but, as he said, this one is an exception. The forging skills look like that of Coldfront. The merging was well-done and the gameplay looks very interesting.

    Great job.
    #20 RaBBiiTTT, Nov 15, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2008

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