eh, im just gettin the regular one. i dont feel like payin 10 bucks for a gold lancer, which i hardly ever use, and a picture of dom's wife.
Gears of War 2 Flashback map comparison pics - Xbox 360 Fanboy NOT all the maps they are only releasing a handful.
Wow those maps actually look sick, especially the new canals. Thanks for showing me that and im going to pay the ten dollars extra.
wow this only adds on to how much I want this game. Gridlock and Canals look amazing and Whitestain you should get the limited edition
founds good to me w/ the art book mention and a golden gun for only ten doll hairs more... well i depends on how much money u make and if their is something else u want too... to not have to wait.... i mean it depends but i say buy it
original price: £39.99 Special/collector edition: £49.99 I have pre-ordered the special edition but it wasn't for the gun. Mainly because i had the money and why not? I loved gears of war 1 and the upcoming sequel looks new and improved but still the gears of war i loved. Its a pretty smart move by the creators, this way people will buy the collectors edition and by doing this it increases thier sell count = more money. The negative about this is i can see people thinking they are so amazing just because of a gold gun, it doesn't make them any better as a player, just look slightly cooler.
I'm sorry I failed to mention the maps are dlc that will be available starting launch day. The only way to get these maps is the buy a New copy of gears of war 2 you do not need to buy the limited Edition In other words if you buy the game used no maps for you.
Well I pre-ordered the Limited Edition about two weeks ago and this is what I'm gettin because of it: 1) Gold Plated Lancer 2) REMOTE CONTROL CENTUAR TANK (WOOOOOOOOOOT!) 3) 'Beneath the Surface' Inside look at Gears 2 plus a 48 page hard bound art book 4) DVD with behind the scenes footage, design galleries, promo vids, and more 5) Dom and Maria keepsake photo (trash IMHO) 6) Steelbook DVD case I pre-ordered at Best Buy and I know the tank is a Best Buy exclusive but I thought I'd give you guys an official list of whats with the Limited Edition.