Map Editor (New Idea)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Possessed Adam, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. Possessed Adam

    Possessed Adam Ancient
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    Okay, After all the arguments about the Map Editor and Bungie saying it would never happen. This is an Idea of what they could have done.

    They should make a program on the PC which is like the Far Cry2 Pc Map Editor apart from it is for Halo 3. There wont be any needs for 3DS Max or stuff like that from halo 2 Vista, just a Blank Map with options you can do on Far Cry 2. And the program would export it as a map file and you could upload it to who would ask for details such as:

    Name Of Map
    - Relic 2
    Description - A lost abandoned Island left with just a simple Relic and Previous War Objects.
    Your Gamertag - Private Adz
    File -

    And Bungie would Render it into an Actual Map etc. The Sky would aslo Be Customizable with a Sky tool on the Computer and there are 1000s of Skys to choose from and you can select or unselect the Ark or Halo in the Sky,
    Weather, Sun Position.

    And if you are too creative you can use your own JPEG Sky .

    This would probably Never Happen but please post your thoughts and Ideas
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  2. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Hmm I see what you mean. But like you said, this will never happen.
    1.) bungie will continually get spammed with random maps.
    2.) to load each map you would have to download every single map, instead of a variant. Which means you would introduce foreign items.
    3.) Everybody would have to have the maps to play on them.
    4.) There is no guarantee that the xbox can handle the map, say you built the biggest map ever! This would cause crashes and such.

    All in all it sounds cool but when you think about it it is impossible. I guess we all just want that fantasy of total customization..
  3. Zombiesteve77

    Zombiesteve77 Ancient
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    If this was properly implimented it would be amazing to create some truely unique maps. However, like deathtroll77 said, sadly i dont think this would ever happen. I think it would be just be too unefficient having to download a completely new map every time. Also, total customization worries me slightly. I would be warey downloading maps that could potentially contain a virus or something which could damage my console.
  4. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    This wont happen, my ideas of a great map editor could also be just as good in game and run perfectly like on Foundry.
    You know like with hills and territory areas and stuff you can edit the height and length and stuff? I think they should have made it to where you could do that with boxes, walls, etc. and since it was doable with hills and territories it would most likely be doable with those objects. Of course the height and length would have some sort of ratio though, like for ever X# added to length or width = X# so the map wouldn't get too crowded and not load. This is soley based on saving time and a small amount of budget. Also they should have made boxes to where grenades don't fly under them constantly. This would save alot of time on geomerging and things like that. also maybe an option to automatically connect double boxes, walls and things like that in a way there was no cracks, it was smooth, and things like that. doing this would allow many. And i think forge mode should have like an "enable gridlines" option (of course if you left the option on in forge once you enter a real game the gridlines would be removed), to easily make symmetrical maps and each object would show you its coordinates of where it is easy to have precise accuracy on symmetrical maps and other things. These coordinates would be something like WoW coordinate addons or something like that. Doing these things would allow so many people to create great and unique maps without spending countless hours of geomering, insane interlocking, and all that stuff. Then not everyone would have to have insane forging knowledge to create a good map. All they would need is a good idea, the motivation, and the initiative and they are set. Some other ideas that I think would be awesome would be ONE map, probably Last Resort sized, with the ability to open or enclose it (so forgers could make maps with "fall to death" if they pleased) and a decent budget. The map idea wasn't really thought through though so idk if the Xbox could hold or support it, but the other ideas i think would be pretty easy for the Xbox to support.

    P.S. - Sorry all for the wall of text, I had so many ideas going through my head and didn't think and I really dont want to have to go through and edit all that

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