Biweekly Template Contest The Template Contest is a brand new type of forging contest. You need to build a make in two weeks, The catch is that you need to build off what has already been built. This weeks deadline is November 6th. All submissions must be in by November 6th. The contest: The contest will be updated every Sunday. What you need to do is enter a map that has been built from something I started. I will make a portion of a map then you need to finish it. The winners of each week will get there map posted in here. I will also + Rep the winner. The winners will be announced the on the following thread. Rules: There are not many rules but the ones that there is are as follows; You MUST use the map I will provide you to download. You can NOT delete the objects I laid on the map, (You are allowed to delete the unlimited budget glitch stuff. not the map part) The map I built will be indicated from the pictures I will supply. You have 4 weeks as a reply to this thread. You can work with a partner. The Weeks map will be posted every other Sunday, the map will have a game type section too. You MUST include the template in your map. This means you can't block it off... You ARE aloud to budget glitch the map, if its a budgeted map. Your aloud to un-budget glitch the map as well. Posting Guide: Basically its the same as posting a map normally. It still must follow the Forge Hub Standards Your map can have a Maximum of 5 pictures The map must have a Minimum of 3 pictures You must have a download link in the reply Do not post anything besides a map anything else will be reported for spam. If you have any questions ask them Here NO MORE RESERVING SLOTS Your map must have a download link Download TEMPLATE W4 How will the judging go down? After the given time is up, there will be a voting thread posted. At that time, people will be given one week to vote for the best submission. Are there any other prizes besides rep? There will only be rep, and barging rights, There map will be featured in the post bellow. It will be updated weekly. Should people create threads for their maps in the map section? You can but make sure you still follow my rules when entering your map here. How to post it: Basically I am going to make a fake post to show how its done. Once again if you have questions, Ask them Here!!! Template Contest Round Four ! This week has added a new challenge, you know have 4 weeks to complete the map, also there is a ghost on the map too This weeks play style is Competitive Style. Unlimited Budget was used. Download it TEMPLATE W4 So 3...2....1... GO! Remember Novemeber 6th No Reserving Spots Anymore Use the discussion thread Here!
Techtonic This is the map i made for the contest already it took me 4 hours The map overview The splatter PWNED Wipe out the maps power weapons are: Sniper rifle and shotty Download:
Charge! This is my map I made for this contest. I made it for One Flag but it could be used for small Team Slayer or small Team Snipers. Defenders Base Attackers Base Middle area Some Action Shots: Flag Kill So Close Items list: Snipers Battle Rifles Spikers SMGs Ghost Mongoose Download: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Lynx's tower Lynx's Tower Created By T REXasaurusMan Works Well With Slayer FFA Map Map Pt 2 The 4-Story Tower Please Visit My Fileshare, And Rate My Map! And If You Haven't Already Guessed, This Is My First Post! Here's The Download Link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Relinquished Map by :kidbomber Anyway, small 1v1 or 2v2 set up for TS, VIP, Oddball,FFA. btw near the tops they are kinda crocked, because i was getting Protestant and got lazy. (thats why i should have been posted 2 weeks ago) Overview Sniper overview Tunnel (srry not action shot Relinquised
This map i mad for this (vertex)
THE UNFORGIVEN is a small asymetric map. Theres a defenders base and a small attackers base. Then to the right of the map is a empty straight away i like to call ghost aly which is apprpiately named because that is where the ghost spawns and is just wide enough for the ghost to fit through. There is a large structure like thng that has a beamrifle on top and a mauler hanging in a tunnel below it. GAMETYPES: TS-3v3 Territories-3v3 ODDBALL-(2v2v2v2 CTF-3v3 KOTH-3v3 or 8man FFA) In this map i used a lot of the asymetric and symetric settings on the weapons so below is a chart of the attackers and defenders asymetric and symetric replacment weapons, and equipment ASYMETRIC SYMETRIC ATTACKERS-spiker -plasma nades -power drain -regenerator DEFENDERS-plasma nades -spiker -sniper rifle -brute shot -turret -power drain -bubble shield -bubble shield(different location) -brute shot -carbine Weapons/Euipmaent/Vehicle's list 9 brs, 45 sec, 2clips 2 snipers, 180sec, 2clips 2 plasma rifles, 60sec 1 shotgun, 150sec, 1clip 1 mauler, 120sec, 1clip 1 beam rifle, 60sec 1 turret, 180sec 3 carbines,60sec, 2clip 2 brute shots, 150sec, 1clip(1 is 90sec, 0clips) 2 spikers, 30sec, 2clip 1 sentinel beam,90sec 2 smgs, 30sec, 2clip 1 needler, 90sec, 1clip 2 power drains, 90sec 2 bubble shields, 90sec 1 regenerator, 90sec 4 plasma nades, 10sec 2 spike nades, 30sec 1 overshield, 180sec PICS::::::::::::::::: OVERVIEW OVERVIEW 2 w/ghost aly ATTACKER BASE DEFENDERS BASE AREA BETWEEN ATTACK AND DEFEND Alright hope you guys enjoy DOWNLOAD: HERE
Inferno RM. Inferno Rm The Inferno Rm. is a FFA map that can play FFA Slayer, FFA Oddball, and FFA King of the Hill This map contains a sniper, shotgun, rockets, and a sword spread out among the map, It also has a ghost (well because i dont want to be disqualified:security Here are some pictures: Sniper perch Rocket Hallway THE INFERNO RM. Sword spawn (in the shield door) And Now some action shots hope you like it : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Imprisoned Imprisoned This is my map. Sry that i have no pictures but i tried with photobucket but i couldn´t klick on this "Choose files" button i dont no why, i made another account too, but no chance. so if you want to see some pics pls watch here. And here is the link to the map. Imprisoned It´s a tiny FFA map with a little surprise. If you play, you will find it out. Have fun. peace Ad1
Syndicate Syndicate - Download Forged by SoLo and TKS x MoNsTeR x Background: Syndicate is a one-sided objective, team slayer, and Free-For-All map built for week 4 of the template contest. Monster and I decided to give this this one a go to demonstrate our forging skills and to prove to ourselves that we could actually complete a project. Syndicate started out as "just the contest map" but slowly turned into what I now call our masterpiece thus far. After contemplating for a few days on what it was we wanted to do with the template, our concept was starting to pull through. In an estimated 90-100 hours (Over a 4 week period), the map was finally finished which put a huge smile on our faces. The testing period was not as long as we had hoped for, but reactions from testers were positive both in the gameplay and aesthetics department. Description: Syndicate is a completely assymetrical map. As stated above, it will suppport one sided objective games, including team slayer and FFA. Every structure is accessible with at least one ramp or stairset leading up to them, eliminating those awkward "skill jumps" we all love to hate. Rather than having only the Foundry floor and another level at box hight, those two levels are brought together with wall platforms. Syndicate sticks to a small weapon-set catering to MLG settings, giving Monster and I the competitive edge we needed to suit our play-styles. With painstaking accuracy, we were able to deliver a map that both functioned well and gave us something pretty to look at. Enjoy Weapons: 2 Battle Rifles 2 Carbines 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Shotgun 1 Mauler 1 Sniper Rifle 2 Frag Grenades 2 Plasma Grenades Gametypes: 1 Flag CTF 1 Bomb Assault Oddball Team Slayer King of the Hill (It is recommended that you use MLG settings or settings with BR start and no radar) I Almost Forgot! Thank you very much Blaze for donating your time to work in the spawns and gametypes for this map. It was much appreciated!! ^_^
Poison Ivy Description: Poison Ivy is a symetrical map. It is made for 4-8 players and two teams. Both bases are exactly alike. It supports Capture the Flag, Team slayer, and Team King of the Hill ( for capture the flag you may want to slow down the flag carrier a bit). Weapons: 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Needler 1 Gravity Hammer 2 Battle Rifles 2 Carbines Equipment: 2 Bubble Shields 1 Flare 1 Overshield 1 Active Camo Keep in mind that both bases are exactly alike. Download Poison Ivy
Brocker Brocker It's a small asymetrical map designed for looking like an old Industrial zone. That was the basics I don't really follow in fact... Well there are, as any asymetrical map, an attackers spawn : On the background of this pic And an defenders base : In and Out The attackers have the ghost (not really usefull in objective in fact...) a trip mine and a rocket launcher to reach the defenders base. View from attackers side : Rocket on the left side, ghost just under the camera and the mine on the half made pipe And in the end a view from the ghost: Weapon,vehicles and equipement : 1 mauler (180sec 1 spare clip) 1 rocket launcher (150sec 0 clip) 1 ghost (180 sec) 6 Br's 4 carbines 1 brute shot 1 SMG 2 Spiker 1 plasma pistol 1 plasma rifle 1 magnum Oh ! And A custom power-up, that allows to give players choice of camo or overshield in pregame =) Another DL link : Brocker
Plasma Park Plasma Park By:Bl00D F1R3 Recommend Players: 4 - 6 Supported Game types: Team Slayer, Slayer, Ball, Hill, and Flag Plasma Park is a high/low map constructed in the middle of Foundry. It features contents from Bl00D F1R3's Template Contest. Its a a-symmetrical map that uses a center structure from Mallet's zulu. The map supports up to 8 people but 6 max is recommended. The map can be played with all game types, but only Team Slayer, Slayer, Ball, Hill, and Flag are suggested. The map requires you to be on your feet at all times and aware of your surroundings as there is many high and low points on the map. When your running trough the hallways of this map expect to grenades exploding rockets flying, and snipers howling as this wizz past your head. The map takes awareness and tactical moments to conker your enemies. Download Plasma Park
Decimate Decimate is my entry for the Template Contest. Decimate is a very small map set up for ffa, oddball, and KoTH up to 6 people, Team Slayer, 2 Flag, Team King and Team Ball up to 5v5. It is recommended you play with four players in any game. The map is quite small so too many people becomes an AR fest. Decimate has a small weapon set with only BR's, a Carbine, SMGs, Spikers, a needler and a plasma rifle. The equiptment is two regens, two frags and two plasmas. FFA games play best on Decimate. Screenshots DOWNLOAD Original Thread with More Shots