First things First, if you are going to say its sloppy tell me where i may not have noticed it. History: You are in a old command center searching for treasures however you werent the only treasure hunter searching for it. you were followed by various groups. now that you have uncovered the riches they showed themselves in an attempted to end yours and everyone elses life so that they can leave with its riches. Description: nothing but a normal command center. or at least that was the original concept. when i tried to forge it it didnt quite fit so i had to resize and compinsate for various things. i also had to comprimise a few things on the lower floor as i ran low on the required objects. What game Type do i use? It is good with all gametypes except Capture the flag in any variation Inventory Cloaking Oversheild 2 SMGS 2 spikers 2 Mualers (seperated) 3 Battle Rifles 2 Carbine 1 Shotgun 90Second respawn 1 spare clip 1 Sniper 1 spare clip 90 second respawn 1 needler 90 second respawn 1 brute shot 60 second respawn 1 rocket no spare ammo doesnt spawn at the begining for two minutes and its hidden (whew) enough granades so i am not to good with words when describing a map. here are some screen shots. Gavlift Tower Center Tower As usual i accept Critisism. these updates are not available on this version as i am not done with the revisions. you will find a seperate post called Command Center V2.0 or somthing to that extent. Update: removed one cannon and one grav lift. Update: added a wall to the top battleriffle room and a roof(for lack of a better term) Update: patched up the floor with some interlocking Update: Patched up the box wall with some interlocking and movement.(no this was not ment to be straight) Update: Changed the center tower these updates above took several hours to finish. Updates to come Coming: Fixing the natrual side wall. Coming: Fixing the internal part of the gravlift tower Coming: Fixing Weapon spawns Coming: Additional fixes not aware of at this moment Finished the new version so this one is no longer available.
Well the map is ok the layout is kinda not the best and your interlocking can use some work and also try geo merging it really can improve your forge skills o and 1 to many grav lifts lol 3\5 for me
This is a pretty good map and a original idea but you dont descbribe the gametype, please do that and have a overview pic up. I do think you could interlock a little better but pretty good, try to get that pic up and describe the gametype then ill be back. But for now 3/5
well the history was simply there to help describe why you would go there. this is usable for all game types except CTF. and not to sound like a 8 year old or anything but as i said where could i use geomerging and where is is sloppy. i know thats a broad subject but please just name a few.
That my friend is SPAM!!!! Oh and about the map, the design is ok, the forging is worse than that, I find the map itself good, but you're forging is INACCURATE way toooooooooo inaccurate, not offencing but at some places you're more than a feet of, wait, in alot of places you're off the line of building, don't forget that you should interlock at least the part were you walk on a.k.a the double boxes, if they aren't interlocked then a Ubergay feeling will be sent along the map, which obviously is not a good thing, so neat it up and make v2/2.0 post of the upgraded map.
Hmmm... It looks like it might be an okay map, but the interlocking could use more work. I think that the interlocking is good enough, and I thought that using the bridge upside-down as a platform was very original. Good job!
There are parts in the map where I can see its hard to get around due to the fact that the interlocking isnt the best it can be and that there are parts of foundry not used just sitting to the side. Good map tho
The map looks pretty good for the most part. It does have some issues, though. Those double boxes do need a little bit more interlocking. and those man, from ur pics, i see explosives ALL OVER THE PLACE. but other tan that, pretty good overall map. 3/5.
It is a good start and this map has the potential to be good but it looks like you didn't even give it the time of day. The interlocking is minimal and if there is it is a bit half-assed. The walls are mostly crooked and the boundry walls and boxes look like there wasn't even an attempt at making them straight. Im sorry but this map needs a lot of cleaning up.
well this is what version one maps are for. tell you whats wrong. you know you have hit perfection not when there is nothing left to add but when there is nothing left to take away. wow that should be in sig. Anyway thanks for your critisism if you look at the bottom of the post you will see what i have fixed and will be released in the nex version. you can also see what i know of and will be fixing after my fable 2 vendetta passes.