you know you're a noob if you kill a teammate and thought they were on the other team i have seen and heard this happen before
You know you're a noob in Halo 3 if you can't get a killionaire with one shot using the sniper in a team doubles match.
Your not a noob if you do that, just poor sported. lol. There's no auto-aiming on your teammates which makes then harder to kill. And plus, your a noob if you wait for it to respawn instead of just taking it.
yea that really is noobish in this one team slayer game all the person would do is wait for the shotgun, sniper, or laser to spawn(it was on last resort) and he sucked with all those weapons and whenever he died he would say "thats bull $h17!" or "that dude had to be hacking!" then like half way into the game he left. he was like 100% noob.
You know that you are a noob in Halo 3 if theres a player thats mad that their losing and try to teabag the guy thats winning or if the guy thats winning teabags the guy thats losing.
You know your a noob at halo 3 when you challenge a general to a 1v1 when your a leutenint grade 4 and have over 1000 ranked matches
You're a noob if you run past a crouching teammate. You're a noob if you run in straight lines. You're a noob if your only medals are a killjoy and a beatdown. You're a noob if you can't kill a guy with a turret. And you're a noob if you take the game too seriously.
You know you're a noob when the gunner who kills you gets a wheelman. You know you're a noob when someone outsnipes you from the other side of Isolation, with a shotgun. You know you're a noob when you spend the entire defensive rounds of one flag looking for their flag.
hell then i guess i'm not a noob then, i play better when when i haven't played in quite a while... i wont play for a month, and then get a ridiculous killstreak p.s. you're also a noob if you unleash a string of high-pitched random swears every time you get into a conflict let alone lose one
You know you're a noob if you manage to destroy your own Banshee unless you can do it by running into a tree at the exact point where you take little to no damage while completely destroying your banshee