Ok well for those of you who enjoy puzzle maps this is for you. I doubt you have heard of me because im fairly new to the forgehub but if you do you know me from my puzzle map Runnin on Empty:http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/39012-runnin-empty-puzzle-map.html Anyway for those of whom care I felt like I should let you know that yes I am working on a puzzle map currently. I will tell little about it although I will tell you that I am not working on it alone. I have teamed up with one of my friends, Viral Nuts, to make a puzzle map. We have ran into some trouble via the budget glitch blew out on our map so we had to start over. We have figured out ideas never before seen and are keeping it original. Basically the only thing we have used that is used by someone else is the whole lobby idea which I dont think is a bad thing to copy seings how it only makes it easier because it enables a check point method. Other than that it is comming along nicely. If you have played my other map and want more or if you want a first hand look via testing our new map send me a Private message on the hub or in xbox live. Now it wont be finished for a little while but the way its been going it is going fairly fast and smooth. I'll post later for more updates
i just want you to know that you might want to get a mod to lock this before people start flamming you and giving you angry looks
Arn't you a moderator temporally??? (the bguardians) do something about it. BTW mods if you do come here don't delete it just move it and also don't flame him.... He made my favorite puzzle map (runnin on empty) and probaly the best out there and if i hear news about another puzzle map then it being in the wrong section is fine by me. (as long as it's done by my favorite puzzle map maker that is)
*sigh* how long is it gonna take for people to realize that our mod powers are only for the Map section only....if you want an infraction though, we can work something out ;]
you should have some sort of special button so that you press it on a post and it notifies the other mods. But, this is different then when other people do it. when you do it it gives you top priority and a message in 'your notifications' then only the guardians can give....
Ok this is wierd my friend just told my i posted this in the mini game maps section but I swear I clicked the gaming discussions area so I appologize
you shhould place this somewhere else but not here because the community map page is for finished maps and not previews anout your upcoming map.
This didnt belong in the Gaming discussion area, it belonged either in off topic or Halo Forge Discussion. Dont worry though, somebody already moved it for you.