3 1/2 Floors >The Map< >The Gametype< Not another Infection... Wait, before you say that to yourself just give it a chance. OK, so technically this is my second map on Forge Hub, it is really my first 'good' map. For starters this is you classic, fast and weak infection. There is one starting zombie and they have to wait 30s before attacking. After that the fun really begins. There are three levels, I had to take out the "half" level because you could escape. Each level has different groups of weapons: 1-Alien 2-Brute 3-Human. The Pictures Just wait... Here we go! Weapons Turrets 3...2...1... ...Deploy! Another way up! More Weapons Almost There... ...Ownage
i think you could use a better discription discribing the gametype and more of a jist of the map, if i said that right
This map could be alot better than what it is!! The gametype is horrible for several reasons. One reason is that the game starts with only one zombie.. 2 is that the zombie has no health which means one hit and hes out. 3 is that on your map there are several rooms with an abundant amount of weapons and each room has a shield door in front of it.. that equals camp central and thats never fun. ESPECIALLY THE LAST ROOM!!!!! but i suggest you make a v2 with a little better balance and more of a map instead of a bunch of camping rooms but for a beginner the map looks very strait and clean.
Yes, please tell us the traits of the zombie and humans, what each must do and when and whre, and all that jazz...
I did not understand, is this map like the chambers map where you have to hold out for a amoount of time before accessing the next level.
I know what you mean the description is pretty vague Plz tell how the game should be played and whats the main idea behind it and stuff
Didnt mean to come off harsh.. like i said your map is very neat and clean and you have potential you just need to keep working at it... and the map could be fun if you eliminated some camping spots and had a little better weapon placement... like i said make a v2
hey this is pretty good! i kind of agree with sketch, where the camping because of shield doors what u could do is take the sheild doors away put the zombie 2 slow but strong, and have the weapons and the way of getting up on a respawn time, click options on an object, place at start, no then have the time, yea worth a d.l btw i gave u good feedback thnx
We're all sying "oh no, not another unbalanced infection map where the zombies get killed by one magnum bullet and the humans get a heap of weapons". The interlocking looks good, but it's just too samey. As in the same as those awful 4 level maps with the fat kid. You should make it harder for the zombies. Also, there isn't much of a description.
Those pics dont really show me much, or tell me how you want people to play on it. Please put better pics up if possible. From what i can see it looks like some interlocking and its pretty neat. 3/5 until i see some more pics
This is an ok map and the post is very well made but ur map does promote a lot of camping. I would make a v2 like everyone else has said and definitly get rid of the shield doars and remove some of the power weapons as well as most of the turrents. overall 3.5/5 keep forging
Please don't take this personally, I just need to ***** at the Halo 3 community. [rant] WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO HALO 3 INFECTION? Answer: It has been dumbed down to the point of insanity. With the ability to create "1 hit kill" zombies, little five year olds everywhere created tons of pointless zombie games where they can camp in a corner with a turret and mow down zombies. This makes them feel good, because they suck at fair play. Where has it ever been the case in ANY zombie lore that the infected die with one hit and move at 30mph? This has bothered me from day 1 of Halo 3 infection. Granted, I am trying to remedy the situation, but my hardcore infection variants arn't popular with the little kids because they have to actually aim to survive. Headshots ftw. Zombies should be slow and tough, not fast and made of paper. [/rant] Ok. As for this map, I note several critical errors that disrupt the flow of play and cause gameplay to falter. 1) Camping spots. 2) Tons of weapons everywhere. 3) Shield doors. Camping spots= pissed off zombies who quit when it becomes apparent that even with their entire team charging at once they still can't get halfway down the hallway where that little ****er is holding the fire button down on a turret. Tons of weapons= no tactical ammo conservation Shield doors= zombies who would rather camp behind doors than actually eat brains. I think you're map has potential, but needs to be revamped. If you want any suggestions, I am always happy to help.
UGA Rock: I dislike this map for a few reasons. One, virtually no description other than what floor houses what type of weapon. Two, weapon caches. Weapon caches, to me, scream "I have no originality with placing weapons, so I threw them all on the ground right here in a pile." Now, I know you didn't mean it that way, but it comes across as a cluttered, lazy choice. It's also far too easy for the humans that way. A better choice would have been making the humans frantically search throughout all three floors for weapons, with each of them racing to find the best ones. Make the humans feel the fear of the impending doom they can't outrace. Don't give them the easy way out. I mean, heck, if you're gonna enclose them in a tight space, you might as well make them work their butts of to survive as well, you know? The three floors idea is a good one; expand on it and try to think a little bit deeper so that it's not just your typical run-of-the-mill Zombie map.