Debate miracles: Yes or No?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Huntar, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    i have brought you forge-debaters a question.

    do YOU believe in miracles? Yes or no? Why or Whynot? Have you had any miracles happen to you? A friend?

    This is a really random question but i thought it would be a good debate.

    so without further ado, lets debate:

    This is a true miracle!

  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    To me, miracles are the same thing as luck. I just do not believe in them.

    Everything has an explanation. In the video, the kid could have been hit by the car at a certain trajectory where the impact spread throughout his whole body, and not fully concentrated in one spot, leaving him conscious and with minor injuries.

    I really do not want to bring religion into this, because I'll get slammed for offending someone, so I'll leave that as my point. Everything has an explanation.
  3. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    in someway i do agree with this. And yes i do believe you have gotten the video right. he got nailed hard! But its amazing how his carer didn't go through the drain!But lets look at the cat who called 911 for its master. Just happened? winning the lottery? And look at the fires in california recently, Is it not a miracle how flames only came within feet of homes, and the firefighters stoped it right in time? hopefully i can explain this well.

    Although must people believe everything happens for a reason, Isnt that a miracle itself?...
  4. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Selective God?

    A miracle, as I understand it, is an act of God. People tend to use the term miracle when something happens that is highly unlikely. The problem with miracles is how they reflect on God and the people using the term. The most popular incidents that people attribute to miracles are recoveries from severe illness.

    example: "My little daughter Lisa was diagnosed with Leukemia and the doctor said she only had three months to live. After two years my little angel is still alive. I thank god for this miracle."

    She loves her daughter very much and is so thankful that she is still alive that she feels an overwhelming need to thank someone. So she thanks god and calls it a miracle.

    The issue I have is the way this implication reflects on her, as well as God. There is so much suffering in the world. People lose their children and other loved ones everyday to car accidents, disease, starvation, murder, and even genocide. If a miracle is God stepping in to affect the outcome, then we have a very selectively compassionate God. How does a mother standing in the hospital after losing her son to disease feel when she overhears the mother from above attributing her daughters recovery to an act of God. I can tell you how I would feel. Pissed off at that woman for assuming her child is somehow more spiritually important than mine.

    It's the same as praying to God that your favorite baseball team will win the series. Your team may even come from behind in the final moments of the game for a "miracle" victory. Just because something is unlikely and you may not understand it, that does not mean God did it. This is the same problem we have gotten ourselves into over and over throughout history. If there is a god, he does not pick sides. He does not kill your kid and act to let someone else's live. He did not save your life when you did something really stupid that could have gotten you killed and he certainly doesn't make religious statues cry real tears.

    We are afraid of statistics as humans and when we beat the odds we feel gratitude. Let's just leave it at a feeling of strong gratitude instead of saying, "God must love me more than other people."
  5. askin

    askin Ancient
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    If one finds a $100 bill on the street, this maybe luck or coincidence. But, if one needs $95.50 for a bus ticket and finds a wallet which has in it $95.50 , this is more than just luck or coincidence, this is a miracle.
    I have related thirty miracles I have experienced in my life in different countries, in my book, "SMALL MIRACLES" by Askin Ozcan, (ISBN 1598001000 Outskirts Press)
    If they were only one or two incidents, I might have thought that they might have been coincidences or merely luck. But thirty of them are difficult to call anything else, but "miracles".
    Outskirts Press
    Available at 200 internet bookshops, incl. under the author's name, or via 25.000 bookstores.

    Askin Ozcan
  6. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Act of God

    Since you wrote a book about it, I'll consider you a miracle expert. Are the miracles in your book examples of God affecting the outcome of a situation. You say they are not coincidences, so how do you define "miracle"?
  7. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Amazingly well put. But there are sometimes when it seems like God does have a plan...

    look at that video. Is it not a miracle that billy didnt even get hurt? Sure he coulda got hit by the card in a certain way that it diminished the impact, But 9/10 when you get hit by a car going 40+ mph, your not going to be laughing.

    but i really like how you did all that!

    an also very cool. But please dont spam!
  8. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Beating the odds

    Miracles are claimed when someone beats the odds. You claim that 9/10 times when you get hit by a car going 40 mph that you will be severely injured. I would say it's probably more like 99/100. But that does leave one time that the car hits you in such a way that it barely does any damage to you at all. Remember, when you use the word "miracle" you are insinuating intervention from God.
  9. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    A miracle would be better described as something in which mankind's laws are either bent or broken. In other words, a supernatural act. It is not at all, "beating the odds." It's "beating the possible." A miracle would be someone growing a foot back after it's been chopped off.

    Because a miracle must, therefore, be supernatural, it is only logical that they are caused by supernatural forces. For simplicity's sake, I'll call those forces God (and because I'm a Christian, heh). So what you get is a situation in which logic/law's of nature are broken by something that is not hindered by those laws. That's a miracle, not something that happens very, very infrequently. It's something that never happens, because it's not possible. Unless it happens: thus, the miracle (or supernatural).

    I apologize if the theoretical elements of this argument confuse anyone...
    #9 Lance001, Oct 31, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2008
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Winning the lottery is simply probability. It could happen to anyone, no matter how many times you pray. Animals have a basic survival instinct to protect their young. This can also be applied to owners, if they can't take care of themselves.

    And with the flames, I'll bring in a situation. It all really depends on what you believe is a "miracle". If there was a giant field of flowers and a fire was racing up to it and was suddenly stopped by say, a giant patch of dirt, you can say it was a miracle that it didn't reach the flowers. But no one would really care about the flowers, right? It happens all the time. It's just the way you look at things.
  11. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    *That guy got ****ing pawned* Anyways the guy did do some jump off the top of the staircase on roller blades, well I have seen a young girl get hit straight in the side of her body by a motorcycle. She died and the two guys who done it ran like **** to get away from the police, eventually, they found them both hiding behind a boulder in a field. The guy just went shooting off the stairs and landed on the road, next of all BAM! His leg is spraint. There's what you call a retard trying to show off in front of his friends, but what could have happened if he did'nt go down the stairs right? He could have had much more serious injuries than what he already had.

    If I was "Neil" then I wouyld'nt have done it, anything could go wrong, if I landed the wrong way i could have been seriously injured. (Brain damage, Losing a limb, Death, Being paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair) But no, I do not believe in miracles or luck. It all as explanations like what Norlinsky said. I have to admit, Norlinsky is a smart guy when it comes to things like this. Miracle = Luck in my opinion, but I do not believe in them, like what I just said. Neil was just able to not have any serious injuries, that leg could have been removed if the damage was serious, I expected it to be broke from the video though.

    Once again, to pin point it out for thiose of you who did'nt read my post: I do not belive in Miracles, everything has an explanation like Norlinsky said.
  12. bolddoughnut

    bolddoughnut Ancient
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    No, I do not believe in miracles only coincident. The reason is that if you believe in miracles then you must have to believe that there is a outside power or other being that is interfering with every day lives. I do not believe in any outside power. (by outside power I mean god) I do however believe in luck but over all I do not believe in miracles just luck.
  13. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    The term "miracle" is thrown around a lot these days. Like many have said before, miracles these days are not really miracles. When people refer to a certain unlikely event (winning the lottery, escaping from a hostage situation) as a miracle, they are just saying that something highly improbable happened. However, what happened was not actually a "miracle".

    Then, there is what Lance pointed out. There are certain events that are not only unlikely, but they are actually impossible. Take for example a news story I saw about a man falling forty stories and surviving. You could describe this the same way that you described the posted video. But you have to think to yourself, "What are the chances of that?"
  14. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    He was in critical condition. Not "unscathed." They seemed to do a fairly good job explaining what happened. From what I can tell he got pretty lucky. It must have been a miracle from god that he lived and his brother died and in all likely hood he will have many problems with his body for the rest of his life. Yay god! You did it again!
  15. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Ah, I didn't read the last bit in the article. What I heard on TV awhile back though was that the man wasn't harmed. Guess I heard wrong. =P

    If anyone could take a look at the book that one fellow posted, that would be great. I would like to see what "miracles" are in that book, because I have no more evidence to support the miracle argument besides, well, besides the bible.
  16. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.

    Causing great surprise or sudden wonder.

    Two words usually mixed up between meanings. Miracle is more of a word to mean that it come from some diety, or an outside force of some sort. If you want to put it in gaming terms, almost a "glitch" in life that does not make sense. Amazing is a word that means something that is close to impossible, or out of the ordinary which would be, as said before, winning the lottery, or in gaming terms again, a noob pwning a 1337 MLGpwner or something like that... It is just a miss conception I would have to say personally. It is an overused word for sure that even I say to much, probably because of the fact that a hyperbole can make a statement sound much more intriguing.
  17. NobodyPro

    NobodyPro Ancient
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    "In history if something happened at a certain time (unconscious person waking up in the arms of a priest) it was called a miracle, if something amazing happened to someone who was strange or unpopular (coming out of a burning building uninjured) it was called witchcraft and they would be burned at the stake."
    - Just something interesting I found in a novel, can't remember which but it was good
    Anyway I think miracles and luck are just things humanity made up to explain the unexplainable, like religion (I am christian so don't flame me for dissing religion)
  18. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    The way I see it a miracle can possibly be two different things:

    • Extreme amounts of luck, like the people that survive disasters that kill hundreds because they were in the exact right place at the exact right time.
    • Interferance from a higher being. How many times have you're parents, teachers, and preachers told you to pray? But honestly sometimes when you see things, nobody is that lucky. Just nobody. It really makes me think somtimes.

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