I dont have my box until thursday. Good luck organizing something though! I'd like to hear if it was a success or failure. Edit: Cancel that. It will be a massive uber **** of awesome win.
From the pics you posted it looks awesome dude. I loved I am legend. It looks like it gives you a survivor feeling. im gonna check it out. Nice job
Looking for group to play Great map 5/5 im looking for a group to try out a real game, my gamertag is TheOwnage576 lemme know if your interested
This loooks really cool! Nice work I really liked I am legend so im sure this will be sick! once again another orginal map by your self. Nice work!
I don't even know what to say. Well actualy I'm just going through the maps in your signature and downloading them cus your maps rock! 5/5 for effort! 5/5 because I love these maps!
First of all le me say that this is one of the best and most fun infection maps ever. The time and work put into it is acceptional and the way it omes out, even better. I love that whole thing of the last man on earth because i was last man standing and was so scared in the bottom of the base because i had about 3 shotgun bullets left with 10 zombies. People should download or you are missing out.
Wow... This is by far the most complex game that I have seen and it is also the first "I am Legend" map I've seen but all in all it seems like it would be really fun. As other people have said though it could be neater but the ways to unblock the teleporters is quite ingenious. Great Job!
Looks like a pretty fun infection map. I love the idea of having to unlock the teleporters. Great job with the forge filters. Dl'ed
To anyone who reads this, Time Glitch and Y4ZT made one helluva map and game type! This is very fun for those people who want something different from your usual zombie games. It is downright scary when you're trapped outside of your base and trying to get back in, only for the zombies to infect you before you get to safety! Very fun! Great job Time Glitch and Y4ZT! 5/5! BTW, I'm in the pic on the left where it says the zombies haha