CDRAD57's third installment of RR montages highlights epic long and precise shots and team denials. Some really amazing stuff. Who says RR doesn't take skill? Also take note that the team in the very last clip is yours truly, the Mongoose Master, driving with the Mongoose Maestro, Vicious Vice, manning the gun. Amazing double shot.
Correct me if I'm wrong (Which I'm not) but doesn't Maestro mean master in Italian.. So how can there be two mongoose masters? I think you should have a battle to the death to see who is the REAL mongoose master.. Yep.
AMAZING VIDEO, yet again Lightsout....I suggest embedding it with the &fmt=18 tags at the end of it, just paste it after the regular youtube URL.. once again, &fmt=18 amazing video, hope to see many more to come!
its uploaded by you, correct? And about it being embedded, you can embed it as High Quality by adding the: &fmt=18 therefore, it will look better...thats all i was trying to say
On top of a Lights and Vice clip, there is also a Creep and Vice clip! Way to make it in there twice Vice!! Your new nickname is Vicious Vice: Twice as nice!
Woot! Cheers for well thought out montages that have many good clips! Great work CDrad57, and may we see many more montages to come.
Thanks. There are two more montages in the making. A 3rd boosting montage and a 2nd denials and good shots.