Alright this is how you do it: (step 1) Put down a box... (step 2) Surround the box with stairs ON THEIR SIDES... (step 3) Surround the box with another layer of stairs... (step 4) Finally, put doors on the box as shown...(I'm not sure the doors on their sides are necessary. I know this takes a while but it never hurts to know you have a perfectly geomerged box.
Moved to Halo Forge Discussion. Please fix your broken images, otherwise this thread will be locked/deleted.
I can't see the picture either linu. It says they have been removed or deleted. I was rather curious. Get your pictures fixed so i may see and comment on it. you mind re-posting them for the rest of us then? I went to his photobucket account page, and theres nothing me...
Can you get your pics working or write out some instructions because it looks like something helpful.