Not sure if this should be in the videos section but it has to do with a map. Would anyone like to help me create a map video for my oncoming map? Its name is a secret because its a very good name that resembles something very important in the Halo trilogy. Im trying to make a map video for my template contest map. Also if you would like to be in the video leave a reply here and send me a Friend Request on Xbox Live. I should be done with the map layout by this friday or so and gametypes will be done maybe by the coming Sunday. If you have/own a Capture Card, please leave an example of the quality of your capture card here and send me a Friend Request on Xbox Live. Thanks again and if this is in the wrong place, can a mod please move it. Picture of the map so far:
I don't think you need a capture card anymore. Don't they have that render-to-video function on Bungienet?
I believe I read that the feature was for use by bungie pro subscribers strictly. Which, I'm too poor to afford -.- Anyways, OtherDark I'd love to be in this, will you be testing this? It looks so sexy, gots to test.
well, you know who to go to sorry for being a douche just bad..... BTW I didnt quit, my xbox yeah Also, yeah, I'll do the video for you tomorrow most likely!
ok cool thanks but i have to finish the map first could we do it by monday or so? I still would like to know about this bungie thing yall are talkin bout
bungie still hasnt released it, but you can download rendered videos from your fileshare, that is, anyones, online, if you have a film clip.....theres many advantages to a cap card though.... BTW, try finishing everything by this saturday, so I can spend the full sunday making a video.... I want something in return though, talk to you about it on xbox live tomorrow though Spoiler its not rep, to all you haters :happy::lol::happy:
OMG otherdark didn't you hear me when I was in your party. I am going to start up a Video Workshop for people. I already have several requests to get it started. I wouldn't mind doing it.
i dont care i just need the person who has the best quality capture card do you guys have any examples of your vids by any chance?
Do you have Vista? If not, get a Dazzle platinum or something. Buy pinnacle and Sony Vegas for editz. Ad a headset. You can use your 360 mic, but the quality's shitty. I'd send you an FR but my friend's list is full