- Coagulation in Far Cry 2!!!! by Circaskaterr Halo Meets Far Cry 2: Coagulation Remake | GameXtract
No surprise. There were more Blood Gulch remakes in the first console Far Cry than anyone would ever need. I do like seeing the cave-like rock formation in action. Neat stuff.
Wow, that is badass.. I really want to get FC now. That probably only took like an hour to make aswell.. One bad thing about Far Cry's extremely good map editor... is how easy it becomes to make great maps. Everyone's maps are going to be brilliant.. It will take something really really special to stand out from other's maps. With Forge in Halo, it takes alot of hard work to make an OK map and even more to make a truly great map. It should be interesting to see how it all works out..
I don't even care what stands out. This is sick, i love it. My maps alone would be enough to please me, i dont care about anyone elses ANYTHING can be made here.