I guess im a noob... You know your a noob when you try to clone yourself in MM ^^ Another reason why im a noob...
daaaaaaamn. he needs some aloe. but you know your a noob at halo if you get one double kill in a whole match and then brag about it.
Haha I like this, the only other i've seen is you know you play to much halo. You know your a noob at halo if you can't headshot an elite.
you're a noob if you have a shotty/sword/hammer and you get beat down and the person who beat you down didn't die.
You know you are a noob in halo if you get in the passenger seat of the warthog in a slayer game. ...If you miss a sword lunge ...If you try and kill a non vehicle with the missle pod ...If you get splattered by a mongoose I've got more
you know your a noob in halo if you try to hijack a warthog but instead just sit in the passenger seat.
you're a noob if you get splattered by a vehicle that is going reverse. i have done that so many times