FrostBite Built in Avalanche. A symmetrical, small arena for slayer games. Great for 2v2 games. Download and play! This is my first map. Please reply with feedback/suggestions... : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Good map, like the fact that it is on avalanche, different. Maybe a little too sloppy for my tastes, nothing a few good trips to the interlocking page wouldn't fix (Aha, expecting a link, well I don't know how too). But overall good map, like the layout, especially the centerpiece
Thanks. Try out the map and let me know what you think! You should see the inside of the centerpiece! Rockets spawn down there, it hollow. Man cannons shift you into the air!
Hmmm. seems alright. Needs to be a little smoother. I think you would have been better off making this map on foundry.
Thanks, I'll be hosting customs on it later this week. Just add my gamertag : cOLeVIII This would make a nice foundry map, but I just love the asthetic features of playing in snow/on ice! It was intentionally made without merging any geometry, because I was much more concerned with the overall design. Time was definitely an issue. I am looking for (1) person to co-create a smoothed out/merged version of this map possibly. Send me a message on xbox live if interested: cOLeVIII
Wow, looks really awesome with a nice layout. The upper levels seem a bit more open than most maps, but whatever. It looks rather small to have the idea your on Avalanche, lol, which is awesome because you can't even tell your on Avalanche. The Watchtower Base things are cool, too. Great Job! 3/5.
The map is very playable even though it was not built in Foundry Thanks, I would like to include some sort of upper level structures, however being able to exit the boundaries I have created was a concern. Let me know if you have any ideas! Although the budget is maxed out...
Hey cOLeVIII your double posting a lot, you really shouldnt do that. But its a very good map maybe you should interlock it some more just for neatness. Overall its good and seems to be like a lot of fun to play on. Just clean it up and maybe make it a little bigger, its fine for small matches but sometimes people want more room, other then that very nice 4/5
looks pretty cool, I like that you did somethine on avalanche. I also dont see much of anything interlocked or geomerged. Ill give you a 4/5, but with some smoothness, easily a 5/5.
dude love the map looks sick! and i like how you basicly took out the level all at once... hey is there any way to get back in? but any way i like it and hope you make more such as this one.
Thanks for the suggestions, I am not good enough at geomerging or interlocking objects to add to this map, but I am willing to team up with someone skilled enough to do so. Plus a second opinion never hurts when creating a map. Just add me on Xbox Live and send me a message: cOLeVIII There is a way to get back inside, but it is extremely difficult to exit during normal settings. I created this arena so that exiting would not be an option.
Nice map, but idk about the shotgun...replace it with mauler or have 0 clips cause its a small map, i just don't like the shotgun on maps like this personally : /
Stop double posting to get your post count up! The map. Need more interlocking to make the floors more smooth and redo the walls to make them more unbreakable(easy to break from what I see in the pics)
There is a mauler and shotgun both, and yes the shotgun is certainly powerful. Luckly there are 2 on the map!
What is double posting? I have responded to other users, usually quoting them so they know what I am talking about. Is this not a discussion thread about the map? What would I do instead?
Looks Fun! Various parts of the map seem just a tad sloppy but for the most part this map is solid.Nice job for your first map!
Thanks! Yeah I don't have time to geomerge objects, etc. but the map is very playable, the bumps are just ugly to the eyes I guess.
This thread is full of double posting and spam. I will give the new users a break on this one since they seem to have not been informed on the rules. I will provide you with a link to all the information you will ever need on how to conduct buisness in these forums, but consider this a warning to everyone who posts after this. The spam crackdown is on, so be careful how you post. Here's the rules Abide by them and you will be fine, continue with spamming and double posting and infractions will be dealt. Have a nice day!