you know your a noob in Halo 3 if you get killed by someone named skittelez and cant taste the rainbow :3 but really your a noob in Halo 3 if you steal kills and brag about it.
you're a noob if you think you are the best person in the game when you only have 1 kill and over 8 deaths.
Your a noob in Halo 3 if you try to say youll fight someone, knowing your not going to waste the time.
You know you're a noob in Halo when you think the Pro's use tanks. You know you're a noob in Halo when you challenge someone to a 1v1 and lose terribly.
You know your a noob in Halo 3 if you tell someone your going to beat them, but then back out of the match.
You know you're a noob in Halo 3 if you spawn camp in Grifball. You know you're a noob in Halo 3 if you throw a grenade only to have it bounce back and explode in your face. You know you're a noob in Halo 3 if you hit X to reload, only to find out shortly after that it was a power drainer that you threw in front of you instead.
You know your a noob in Halo 3 if as soon as you get in a warthog you flip it and kill everyone in it.
Usually that means they're extremely nooby and don't know how to change armor color, considering that is the default color, lawl.
You know your a noob at halo when you double post :3 dont do that =D but you know your a noob at halo when stick yourself.
not neccesarily. if your gonna die unless you shoot, might as well take some one with you. you know your a noob at halo when you get your maps off of bungie favoites.\ BBBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNN