The site was down, I was board, so I decided to make someone a sig. Wakko's boring sig came to mind. Wakko, use it or not, it does not matter. My first real sig using brushes and text's and whatnot.
it kinda gets in the way of the render. i actualluy like how you used the brushes, made it seem 'wakko', which is good, most first timers for brushes just brush randomly and phail...theres also a bit of white that seems out of place near the middle.
Well, I just took a colorful backround, and cut most of it out. Then I use splotch and cloud brushes in different colors to make a painted feel. What's a render? I cut out Wakko from a picture using paths.
render is the main image, the wakko would be it in that pic. i usually cut my own renders, but you can sometimes get pre-cuts from elsewhere