Hi i'm in a Machinima Production called SteathyDaggerProductions we have upcoming videos we are making and we need some great maps for Them if you could help contact me via ForgeHub or Live my Gamertag is WoodyWog and if your map is great and if you want we Will thank you in the credits.
Well if you could draw a design and post it out, i am sure i can give u exactly what you wnt Also would it be possible to make a appearane in this vid ?
yeh ill make one, i have already started one, do you want it on a certain map or anything, and my gamertag is speedin shadow
as far as aesthetics o am great with structures such as houses. if u need one just give me a general outline of what u want and i can make it in a few hours (depending how clean u want it; a few hours is perfect). by outline i mean: how many enterances, where the enterances are, window amount and location, balcony, type of roof, room sizes, how many rooms, what level it has to be on, what has to be outside. stuff like that
Well guys it needs a Just one Entrance in the front and it needs some rooms downstairs like a Meeting Room , Living Room, and it needs a upstairs with bedrooms and just rooms with nice scenenary Make it has big as you want plz no open spaces the house must be made on Foundry, no mistakes and if you want to make a Apearence in the Vid. show me the map first then will talk thank you for helping us out guys!
i have a house already posted, if u want a more original one add me, i still have a blank house setup i can use to make another one to ur liking