Endangerment v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by fatalityz, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. fatalityz

    fatalityz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by Fatalityz

    Supported Gametypes:
    FFA only, 5 players reccomended
    Slayer Oddball Koth only

    Gamevee video here!!

    Changes coming in the next version:
    -major changes in the spawn system
    -replacing shotgun with rockets
    -adding a little more cover down below carbine (removed in this version..)
    -fixing the slop geomerge, and the one on 2nd floor, both not affecting gameplay
    -probably gonna remove the panorama since it's loud, annoying, and no1 is giving complements for it so it's really pointless
    -with the removal of the panorama there will be a little more budget to do some "aesthetics" that are more noticable

    -a lot of changes but its been taking awhile to test

    A Brief overview before viewing the pictures

    The floor from short side near the stairs

    Shotgun spawn, top center where almost every1 can see you. Also notice the "tele-lift" which takes you through a man-cannon, alerting any1 around the sniper tower of your presence via radar, and shoots you onto the short side section of the catwalk

    "Carbine Tower" The most cover, furthest away from power weapons and bares the highest point. Also gives access to the railing going around the top side of foundry that can be taken as a route to short side catwalk for easy flank or spawn confusion. (Please note long wall and shotgun building were removed for the making of the carbine tower photos)

    A "backside" view of carbine tower. The floor mancannon brings you near the double box ramp. A better view of the high point which is where you get access to foundry rail

    Invading Carbine Tower from catwalks!!

    A cross section of the mancannons. The one on the right is the floor mancannon that takes you near the ramp in pic 5. The one on the left brings you to top carbine.

    The sniper tower (odd structure made with wall corners.) Gives the most commanding view with decent cover against fire, but extremely poor cover from grenades (more of a grenade catcher.) Accessible via grav lift in the back or from the edge of short side catwalks, also 2 advanced jumps that will be featured in the video coming soon.

    Behind the Mancannons and sniper tower is the long hall. Good for sneaking from carbine side to sniper tower. Houses the power drain down below, a panorama of a car wreck, and the part of the tele-lift that accelerates you out the receiver node.

    Finally the infamous short side. The catwalks and staircase are great for getting to the sniper tower, but are also fairly
    weak from that position as well. Gives great all around cover but hardest to get kills from, but becomes the most powerful with the shotty/snipe combo
    Weapons list:
    Sniper x 1 150 2 spare clips
    Shotgun x 1 180 0 spare clips
    Power Drainer x 1 120
    Brute Shot x 1 90 2 spare clips
    Plasma Rifle x 1 90
    Plasma Grenade x 2 20 low ground
    Plasma Grenade x 2 30 mid ground
    Plasma Grenade x 2 45 high ground
    Carbine x 2 30 2 spare clips/ Run-time minimum: 1
    Battle Rifle x 2 30 2 spare clips/ Run-time minimum: 2

    Thanks to Adelyss
    Extended Famine
    Zto Soxfan
    Spam Nades
    Hadoken Child
    Drone Daddy
    Inferior pidgeon
    and Young Stoner 420
    for making suggestions, testing even against my relentless br, and just chillin

    Download Endangerment here!!
    #1 fatalityz, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2008
  2. mushman101

    mushman101 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks way too open to have any possible cover when you are on the ground levels. Can't tell if it just looks that way, but I'll dl and see how it plays
  3. Yum_Toast

    Yum_Toast Ancient
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    If i'm correct it looks like you deleted parts of the map for screenshots. While this was a valient effort, it is very confusing and i have no idea how it actually fits together. It does look very interesting, ill download it and try to get back with an actual review.

    Edit: After playing a game on it the gameplay was ok, the teleporter is way fun and it makes it look like you are flying through time and space, pretty much awesomeness. It even has a huge tactical element by allowing people in the back alleyway to see when other people are teleporting. Other than that, not much stands out. The bottom floor is kinda open and fights between to people on the bottom floor are generally whoever shoots first wins kind of battles without to much thought or effort put into it.
    #3 Yum_Toast, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  4. xpistolxwhipper

    xpistolxwhipper Ancient
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    I played this earlier before you posted it, it's not open and it has the perfect amount of cover. I like that when you walk in the teleporter, you get shot from some mancannons into another teleporter, and then out one more time. One thing that i don't like about it: the reciever node looks terrible.
  5. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Looks extremely awesome, the appearance is great, and the walkways are extremely level (No Bumps I've found at all!) and the gameplay flows really great except for the problem that the lower floor has little cover and usually gets naded and killed quickly. 4/5. Happy Forging!
  6. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the curve that you put on this map. Looks like you put tons of work into this map . I like that interlocking keep up the good work.
  7. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    really nice map with really good interlocking and merging, i also love the sniper tower it is really creative

    Senior Member

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    Looks open and plain, if you can add some aesthetics it would liven up the map a little, ill DL and play.
  9. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    The best part about this map is the grav lifts that shoot you up. The interlocking is the best there. The curved stairway is also a nice feature. All I can say is that the pictures are confusing to tell what's what, and if I hadn't already played the map I would be very confused.
  10. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    nice clean look for the 2nd floor. the man cannons fallowed by a slope is a pretty sweet idea. but as others said, it seems like there isnt that much cover. it be nice to see some action shots sometime too. good job though.
  11. fatalityz

    fatalityz Ancient
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    i think i need help making a better post

    yea, didn't use the unlimited budget glitch so couldnt make too many aesthetics
  12. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    i think the best part of the map is either the curved walls forming dtairs or the mancannon chutes that are curved. This map looks like a lot of fun and is worth a download. The only thing is that from some of the pictures it looks kind of sloppy but thats just from the pics so i will download the map to see if this is true. overall ,very good map and good interlocking and geo-merging.
  13. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember playing on this map with you. The layout is very good, with some of the geo merging you did, you are on your way to forge fame. What catches my eye most about this map is the sniper lift, you did a great job on that. The map is not to big, but just right. I will dl. 4.5/5
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map has some very nice interlocking, i wish I could interlock that well, but the only thing i think your map needs is more aesthetics.
    Like barrels fusion coils ya know?
    Looks good, cant wait to see maps fro you in th efuture
  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Alot of this looks real good but I have to agree that its way to open. But the slanted wall bridge that merges into the ground, that looks sweet. I like all of the catwalk ideas and the many lifts but the ground level being so open really takes a big chunk of greatness out of this map. I am glad to see that you put a weapons list, some people are not doing this lately and that is mandatory to get a real idea of what can happen on a map before downloading. Add some cover on the floor and you would have my DL.
  16. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    I agree with most about the "cover" issue. The maps looks very original and thought out. Now it is very messy. You made an effort to clean it up with merging, but sometimes failed! It has such a new layout then maps I have been seeing. I wish you would clean it up!

  17. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your forging skills are awesome but your creativity is low.I like all the geomerging but some thing are a little sloppy and it looks a little bit open.Everything is layed out nice

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