Looks light and good on gas but it looks like it could flip easily.I see everybody in Manhattan taking pictures though. I would be fine with this. \/ \/
it looks quite unstable it gets knocked and it will topple like a ... i dont know what it would topple like 0.o
you should be ashamed to drive that thing you call a "car." How dare you modify/"rice-ify" a german luxury car. you sir, have no taste in automobiles.
Dude, you should spend some time down here. That one doesn't look half bad compared to some of the **** I see on a friday night.
Oh ye i saw that car the other day. Pretty sick thing. The guys said it was like 120 per gallon or something. Me and my friends were staring for like an hour. jk guys but that is still very awesome
Are you daft thats the BMW E30 and no its not a luxury car it is the definition of speed and fun.Its not modified its a true race car and a was a great rally car.Its not rice either everything is stock except the rims so get your facts straight.I will show you true a true ricer.
The cars Lightout225 posted are well-designed cars. This "future" car must have been designed by a jackass with no automobile design experience. It looks atrocious. I'm sure a bunch of trendy dumb smug ****s will buy it though.
Well I guess most of you don't want to imagine the new shape of vehicles. You haven't driven in it and yet you automatically assume it will easily flip over and if it crashes you die immediately or something to that effect. Personally I like the shape of it, but I am kind of biased because I like to draw futuristic vehicles that don't look like today's cars (but I don't only draw futuristic cars).
It looks modern, but no where close to luxurious. The MPG probably makes up for it being small and stuff though. It doesn't look very safe either. That picture with the camera man scared me half to death- I thought he had a rocket launcher! I must be playing too much Halo...