The Upgrades 2.1 Finally I got it finished. This map variant is an improved version of "The Upgrades". The basic idea of "The Upgrades" was that you had to climb upstairs to get more powerful weapons and powerups, so the starting weapon had to be as weak as possible, for example a plasma pistol. The map included four "secret rooms". "The Upgrades" was reviewed by | Carter | , the founder of Community Reviewers group, after a lot of discussion about can I use a video preview in my description, and not screenshots, as Community Reviewers' rules require. I finally got the review and it turned out to be pretty good, Overall score was 9/10. | Carter | adviced me like this: So I tried to learn from my mistakes, and began making a new map. I studied the basics of interlocking to add some "aesthetic touches". I added more spawn points and some of them at high-up points. I placed every platform and wall again, this time as carefully as I could. I also fixed some other minor flaws from the original map, for example I tried to make it as sealed as I could, so nobody could get outside of the map, and I placed the mancannons at just the right angle. I'm pretty satisfied to the result. Here are some pictures to compare the old and the new map: The Upgrades - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Upgrades 2.1 Here is also the video preview from the Original map: The Upgrades Here is the new video that I promised I'll add: The Upgrades 2.1 Here are some pictures of those four secret rooms, I even gave them names, feel free to suggest different names. The Sewer The Lookout spot The Commentator's booth The Balcony I posted this map to the Forge Hub Map Breakers Thread and I got the following answer: EDIT: I now know that my map isn't unbreakable. Also sdrakulich told me that he has found a way to break my map. I'm still waiting for him to post it. I also asked for a premium review from Community Reviewers Group in and A Pink Puppy gave me one. Here it is: So I think I can be rather satisfied about the map at the moment. Weapon layout Download The Upgrades 2.1
from the pictures that show the improvements of your progress from v1 to v2, I must say that I'm impressed to see a very new forgehub member improving their own maps like that, very unecspected, nice job 4/5 Edit: You're allowed to edit your post at any time as long as you improve it and you can geo-merge in rats nest in some ways, here's one, If you have 2 boxes and 4 brigdes, then do the following: 1. place the box at whatever place you want it to be. 2. surround the box with brigdes, first 2 on the length sides and start a new round after adjusting the brigdes to a wooping 180 sec. respawn rate and a place at start no, then in the new round put 2 more birgdes on the remaining sides and then put the box you want to merge on 180 sec. and place at start no, then place another double box straight above the double box you want to merge (at any wished height) and then put that box on 180 sec. place at start no then start a new round and while holding the box you wish to merge you bring back the box on top by pressing x twice and putting the run-time minimum equal to the run-time maximum and then press b, pull the box straight and save and end fast, then start a new game and delete the 4 brigdes and the box on top and Tadaah you've got your merged box
Thank you very much, I've been waiting for the first comment on my computer for like half an hour, and I'm very glad that it's so encouraging. Btw, does it matter how many times you edit the topic? Cause I just found the "Map Posting Template" thread, and I see my map topic isn't quite the same... I almost directly copied it from my thread. And I would also like to know if anyone knows how to merge things to map geometry on Rat's Nest, cause I couldnt do it with two doubleboxes, they just ended up interlocked, and there are no doors or similar objects available in Rat's Nest.
This post is not up to ForgeHub standards. You have 24 hours to fix it. It is missing: 1 embed picture. If you don't know how to embed a picture, please look here. If you've any more questions, just Ask me. On to the post for the Map. The map looks pretty decent with a nice idea, and you certainly improved from your last version. Seeing as how this is one of your first few posts, I'm forcing myself to say this to all the new people (With some exceptions of editing): Welcome to ForgeHub! I see that your first post is not up to standards, you have 24 hours to fix that! If you need some ideas or techniques for forging, I suggest looking at Forging 101. I'm FlipStik, and if you have any questions, just ask me! Happy Forging!
Alright good job on the post, after 2 or three hours, (Lol), however only having one embeded picture on a post isnt gonna atrract much attention. I suggest you take the time too embed all of the pics so that the viewer, people like me, don't have too click all over your page, which makes the viewer,people like me(sorry had too do it frustrated and less likely to download the map. Good map from what I can see, looks fun too play, 4/5
But if I would embed All of those pictures, wouldn't I have to double post? And that's not allowed, right? P.S. If this message looks weird for some reason, it might have something to do with that, that I wrote it on my cellphone usin Opera Mini..
I hope not, cause I'll get banned at some point if they can do so... I'm simply just too lazy to make one description for like an hour... I'll make some of those links embed pictures as soon as I get to my PC.. And I'll propably add more description and information about the map, for example weapon layout or something like that..
D4psa, you can go back and edit your post, fixing your pictures, without having too make another post. Just click edit post on the post you want to edit
He won't get banned for not having a post not up to standards unless he always does this and he constantly breaks the rules. As far as I'm concerned this thread is up to Standards since he does have at least one embedded picture. You don't need to Double post to embed your pictures. All you do is EDIT the thread and put in the pictures that you uploaded at or some other photo uploading site. Then you just copy and past the image codes into the thread and that should work. Even though I don't understand the map to well; I do understand enough of it to say that it sounds pretty good. Do you happen to have a gametype for this map? If you don't then I suggest that you make one and that should make this map better. For now I will just leave you with this and say: That you did well and I hope to see better things coming out form you in the future.
Like they said embed more pics blah blah blah. On with the map. Its nice to see a unique map (its also not on foundry woohoo) Its kinda cool how vertical it is. I see a lot of teleporters and hope they don't hurt the gameplay. I dled this mainly for how unique it is. On the geomerging note yes it is possible. you have to use the box method which metallic snake found works very well with a horizontal fence wall
If you have read all the comments, you should notice that I can and I have edited my post. And you do notice the Bold effect on the "All" , right? So when I said that, I ment that isn't there a limit of how many pictures you can embed on one post? And I have like 20. So wouldn't I have to double post, If I would embed ALL of them? No, there is no gametype, but I did make the map so, that it supports almost every normal gametype, except CTF and Territories. Only advice I give you on how to play this, is that the starting weapon should be as weak as possible, for example a plasma pistol. But I'm not going to make like ten different custom gametypes just to change the starting weapon from assault rifle to plasma pistol. The teleporters are there only to get in those secret rooms (and to sniper and camoflage spots). From the basic map, you can only get to one teleporter by foot, and it's located high up, so you have to make the effort to get there. P.S. Before there will be like thousand replies that I must add more embedded pictures to the thread, I say this: I will add more embedded pictures very soon, just not all of those pistures I have in the thread currently. Edit: I made a compromise, I decided to embed all of those pictures, but I edited some of those pictures so, that there now is two pictures in one picture, so I only had to embed 16 pictures instead of 22.