Sniping Help?!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HomieG54, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    That's cool but the problem is that no one on my friends list ever plays customs and never does.
  2. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    Shoot the flying birds that are on Guardian...
  3. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Lol That would be funny but I would be bored being there all by myself...

  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Come play some games with me, i'll get you straightened out.

    Out of interest:

    - What sensitivity do you play?
    - What type of gametype and map do you play most?

    I have a good map for practicing sniping, but it boils down to improving your reaction time. You need to practice shooting pretty much the same time as you scope. It's common term is 'quickscoping'. You will find it much more reliable, and will find that you can kill, or weaken anyone, in any situation.

    I play on 3 sensitivity, and i found i can snipe anything.

    What is also good practice is sniping grenades. Keep practicing it, and then try it when jumping and moving. That gets your swing and timing right.
  5. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thanks Matty :)

    1. I play on 1 (normally for BR and that's what Playahata27 suggested)

    2. Well I have never really practiced sniping but I normally try and grab the sniper on any map that I can to try and improve but I normally try hardest in customs. But Like I said none of my friends ever wanna play :p
  6. charliezulublue

    charliezulublue Ancient
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    One thing iv'e learned the hard way is if you dont think you can hit the foe dont shoot, my advice.
  7. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    3) No-scoping in my dictionary is a headshot with no scope. Well there's nothing wrong with shooting the body. Not all kills must be headshots. If its easier to shot the body, go ahead! After all, it is the bigger target.

    Now for Scoping.

    I desagree with you in some points.


    2- Really, DO NOT NO-SCOPE
    3- Ok, now, if you REALLY, REALLY need to no-scope, AWAY go for the head. Why? Basically because if you are trying to no-scope, is because the enemy is too close, shotting at you and you have no time to change your weapon. So hitting the body wont kill them fast enought to save yourself.
    4- Never zoom twice.
    5- If you are playing on a team, there is no shame in hitting the body insteed of the head. Many times your enemy will be with low shield and can be killed with a single shot at the body. And even if they dont, they will be weaker enought for your teammate to kill them with the BR. Make sure you tell you teammates that the guy you shot is "one shot". One more think: hitting the body will make your enemies to retreat, so their teammates will be more vulnerable. In fact, only by having a sniper rifle gives your team an advantage.
    6-You can always use the BR after hitting the enemy with the sniper.
    7- Practice. I used to shot birds at Last Resort.
  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Here's a no-scoping tip. Don't do it, its a last resort when you get snuck up on and you want to at least empty your clip so they can't pick up your gun. Consider it luck if you get a kill that way.

    As for scoping, its important to know when to go for headshots and when for bodyshots. Headshots are fun and all, but 90% of the time, a bodyshot plus either you or a teammate cleaning it up is the safer choice. Headshots should only be attempted in situations where the other guy has to die RIGHT NOW. Some such situations are; he has another power weapon, he's sneaking up on a teammate, he's only in your line of sight for a short time, he's in a turret, he's in a vehicle, or you have to noscope him or die.

    Really you need to play it safe, being the hero with 6 snipe medals in a normal slayer game is great, but being the guy who rakes in assists with single body shots or saves an ally's life by "stealing" his kill is better for your team. You gotta get in that support/assist mindset because you shouldn't be the guy on the front line, those should be your buddys, and they should likewise be protecting you because sniping while taking shots is very difficult for anyone.

    Positioning is one of the most important things about sniping because quite simply you need to be able to see the enemy to kill them. One thing I see far too often is the guy who gets to some sweet spot like a corner behind a rock on Valhalla, and then he sits there and expects to live. Sitting still means you pretty much have a huge shiny beacon over your head and the other team will converge on you to destroy you. While that snipe tower on Pit has some tasty lines of sight as well as brute shot and regen, it isn't difficult at all for somebody with a short range weapon to take the lift up and own you while his team is laying BR shots from needler. Basically you have to be in position to cover your teammates while not being overly exposed. This is as much your job as your team's, you get to a side or in back up high and they can move, but they have to be prepared to save you too. One of my favorite spots is on the Pit in sword facing rockets or at rockets facing sword while my team goes another way because I'm in position to cover them and I have easy escape routes.

    As for aiming, well, practice social slayer, but I think you'll find aiming is much easier than you think if you're just in the right place and you aren't trying to be a headshot honcho.
  9. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Quote taken from the H3 guide I'm writing

  10. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Actually if you want turn your sensitivity down to 1 this helps me get control of the sniper and I happend to be good with it.

    Ya like ^ them said lol aim for the head only unless shields are down
  11. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thanks guys!

    Anyone else?
  12. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    okay im sure these have prob been said i quit at pg. 2 but ne who here is what i do i always have the sniper no matter what.... first reg. sniping...

    1. try not to move the crosshair when u r almost on there head simple take a step to left right or crouch...
    2. when u want to snipe some1 analize their weapon by how they are fighting close range mid range long range. if close time take the easy shot in the head... or simply see if they are hurt n hit em' in the body.... mid they are not a big threat instantly but give them time and ur down plus they will very easily hit u and unscope you so try and be fast with getting it on them and dont stand still... my fav. is when i am a one shot to walk behind the wall then jump out almost as soon as i left and catch them unaware.... and long range... have to hit them in the head almost all long range r powerful so do what u can to avoid damage and then to pick up the killl
    4. MAKE SURE u have a sensitivity that works for u 2 and 1 maybe noobish but its better than everytime u fire u miss and unalign and fire and miss.. trust me...

    No Scoping
    1 my specialty... when aiming at someone who is a threat put it on there head level and gently push the crosshair across there face while firing... the sniper tho it has a very minute autoaim meets the face alot w/ this tactic get it a little to the left or right then pull it across their face while firing it works...
    2. if they aren't a threat make them feel u rnt either... u dont no how effective it is to walk in a straight line toward ppl almost by instinct they simple walk straight at u w/ their BR then just explode their head or stick them and get out...

    but like im sure 50% the ppl have said u have to practice make the teams 4 on 1 w/ a couple of buddies and practice doging bullets while u tag the other one it works well... or go into a party alone and pick a spot and jump around the map and try to hit it w/o scoping... :D hope this has helped
  13. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thanks Boyle.

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