ExCeL v1.6 Myself and AMPPPP are continuing to improve this map And plan an overhaul in smoothing it out even further (As it is, it is very smooth) Please leave feedback. At this time it supports: Team Slayer Capture The Flag ExCeL v1.6: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3Us...ileid=56108265 CTF Game Varient: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3Us...ileid=56050109 SCREENSHOTS For playtesting of this and future versions, ADD OUR GAMERTAGS. MY GAMERTAG: DAXFLOWLYFE AMPPPPP's GAMERTAG: AMPPPPP
Map looks great. It's q'd for dl next time i get a chance. You should however add some better shots of the entire base from the outside. I see parts of the base but i'm sure others would like to see it as well.
I can see all of the inside and outside of the base except for the bottom i would like to see what is under the base other then that it looks great
pretty nice map. srry, but to me it seems alittle plane. maybe if any money left, add some cover. also kind of confused why it is considerd a v1.6 when it seems to be your first forum of the map. also welcome to ForgeHub
Wow, looks really sick, with some awesome interlocking and base layouts. The center structure looks really unique, too, unlike any other MLG Center Structures I've ever seen before. Great job, 4/5, but it's mainly like every single other MLG Map, which I'm very very rapidly getting tired of.
Nice, so you finally post it here! I have to say, I like it. Although its MLG, the map has some unique elements. Downloaded! Ill check the CTF version later...
I'm glad you chose Excel as a name, not Powerpoint or Publisher. The map looks really solid, I like the broad features. Sometimes forgers try to be so precise, that they overload a map with so many features, that it gets "small." Some interlocks are questionable, such as that checkerboarded center, but it looks solid.
map looks cool the center object/area is the best I think. The game type looks very fun especially capture the flag. Also the interlocking makes the map look real smooth very nice job on that. This map looks very big and lots of room to hide and fight. very good map!!